GP32 Updating Openjazz (Again)


Erm.... Woohoo!
Mar 31, 2004
Pittsburg, KS
So, I was pretty happy with myself earlier today when I finally got a toolchain put together that does C++ SDL on the GP32 properly. :D

But now, I'm trying to port OpenJazz, and I'm running into some interesting problems. The code itself compiles without warnings or errors, and the game runs mostly correctly on the GP32.

Here's what's going on:

1. The Jazz sprite is a completely white outline. No color data at all.
2. Colors other than white on the menu text simply do not show up. This makes it pretty hard to navigate some of the menus.
3. In 'Tubelectric', the laser turret things fire straight through solid objects. I did not notice this happening on the Wiz (although I think it did happen on Slaanesh's GP32 port from last year).

I'm trying to get the source code from Slaanesh, so I can do some comparison and see what's going on, but even though I've established e-mail contact with him, I'm having a very difficult time getting replies (I kind of wonder if he's on vacation or something).

I realize I probably won't get any help here either, but I at least feel the need to post my issues, even if I don't get any help.
Eh, I worked on it a little more. I got the Jazz sprite showing up, finally, but I can't figure out how to get the non-white menu text to show up. Also, Jazz is supposed to flash red when he gets hurt, but instead he flashes white. I'm thinking that's probably the same problem as with the red menu text, as both appear to be generated by palette shifting. I'm not really sure what to do about it.

Forgot to mention before, I don't have any sound working in the game yet, and I'm not sure what I need to do to get that going at this point.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and I somehow accidentally got Jazz running uphill smoothly. I tried making the change that I thought did it to the Wiz version, but when I compiled that, it had no effect on Jazz's uphill running, so whatever did it must be specifically affected by the GP32's hardware or compiler.
Looks like I'm getting no help with this, from either Slaanesh or Alister.

It's frustrating, 'cause I have the game playing really well, but palette shifting simply doesn't work, and I can't get the sound effects to play, either.

It'd be nice if I could get the music to play, too, but I know I can't without libmodplug. Slaanesh ported it to the GP32 for his OpenJazz port, but like I said, I'm not getting any contact back from him now. :(