United Gp Viewer


Bass Invader
Nov 1, 2003
Brighton UK
Visit site
Just noticed on Aquafishes site about this updated version of United viewer v4 and it says it has this support:

United Gp Viewer 1.0 can read :
Pictures : JPG, BMP, GIF, TGA, PCX
Programs : FXE, GXB, AXF, GXF
Firmwares : BIN
Musics : WMA, WAV, SEF
Videos : AVI
Roms : NGP, NPC

after doing a search on the board I can't find anything about it... maybe keeping it quiet for the gp-mag compo?

(btw http://membres.lycos.fr/illusionstudio/aquafish/utils.htm)
AquaFish shine some light on this why hasn't this been on Gp32x?

The readme says :

AVI Player
United Gp Viewer should play all DivXs (not XviD!) encoded for Gp Cinema, but if you need parameters for encoding, here are some good VirtualDub parameters :
-divide framerate by 2
-use the divx 4.12 codec @ 128 kb/s
-for the audio, choose the mpeg layer 3 codec @ 32 kb/s, 22050 hz, mono

While the play, you can push B to rotate the screen, SELECT to pause and Up/Down to increase/decrease brightness.

While you are watching a picture, you can push Front Left/Up to go to the last picture or Front Right/Down to go to the next picture.
Exit the picture viewer by push A or B.
TGA files must be in the 24 bpp format without compression, else it won't work.
PCX files must be 4 or 8 bpp.
You cann't read animated gifs.

and it has a NGPC emulator build in :-o

Shame on you Aquafish for releasing such a great program withouth lettings us know you did :P
from the readme:
"Include Zardozjones NGPC emulator (NGP / NPC support)" so its nothing new. Also from the readme:
"NGPC Emulator
I've just added this feature as a gadget, it's slow but playable..."