16 Days Later Competition

btw my game comes with the bor fxe so you can use it without having to download the whole 65mb Beats of rage.
Blair wars- Just didn't really see the point to this, over in about one second. <-- you didnt rtfm (like me)
my own views on the ones i've tried...

lacuna... looked great, but it's unfinished... bumping into the walls kills you?? you have to manually keep knocking the altitude up? :S only 1 life, and no gap between flying along and game over? personally i'd have the POV handle more like a plane (actually, a visible craft on screen would improve things) and i'd implement an energy bar... i'm disappointed... not 'this is shit! :@' , just 'oh... there's something really wrong with it...'

nazcadreams... it's nice... really nice... i don't want to criticise this, i just hope it'll be more completed someday... was this really created from scratch?

the R-type-type neo-geo shoot-em-up... pretty good... this would be spot on with a few more levels...

tobi drummer... CUTE :D

the amstrad emulator... i downloaded it, but haven't tried it yet after reading the .txt... an amstrad CPC emulator has been a dream of mine ever since I got my GP32, but i'm gonna wait for an 'easy load' version before i try it out seriously... *plus I haven't found the ROMS i want to try yet*
:- can anyone tell me how well it runs?

erm... oh yeah, blairwar didn't work on mine either... (tried using windups and pacrom) OH! WHAT DIDN'T I READ? (goes to manual)

GPMAX- will be brilliant when it gets 'moves sync'ed to music' implemented... until then, nice demo :P :) (possibility for mods (not .MODs) for sound/visuals/moves would extend the lifespan of this infinitely, but i figure (hope) that's on the TODO...)

the quality of all these releases was very very high this year, and i thank all the coders/artists involved :) i'm sorry if my criticisms cause offence, i guess i just see a load of games that would 'be perfect if just...' and i can't help but say...

erm... oops! film's on... just my 2p :P :)
i think you have misunderstood the idea of lacuna it isnt some sort of flight sim it is a game of reaction and skill this simple effetive graphics and great controls, you only get one life because its all about breaking your own high score. touching the walls kills you because your not supposed to hit them.
lacuna... looked great, but it's unfinished...
It is finished.
bumping into the walls kills you??
As you seem to think it's some kind of plane sim - how many planes have you seen hit walls and bounce off :blink:
you have to manually keep knocking the altitude up?
Yes. Thats what the instructions say :blink:
only 1 life
It's a game of skill. Where's the skill in having 17 lives :blink:
and no gap between flying along and game over?
Thats life for you. One minute you're alive, the next you're dead. There is no gap :blink:
a visible craft on screen would improve things
What do you think the white square is? :blink:
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Guess I'll add my findings too as far as I have tried the entries :) I've only owned my GP for 1.5 day so havent had THAT much time to play around yet though ;)

Lacuna: I SO love this game :) Before I could try it the simplistic graphics kinda put me off but it was one of the first games I tried anyway since everyone has been praising it so much... And it deserves all the praise it can get imho, I find myself constantly needing one more try (or a 100 more tries :P) to try to get that bit further. And the graphics look a lot better when they're moving actually, they move around in a very smooth way. I love it! :D

Blair wars: Yay for me reading the readme :P it works fine, and shows promise, however as a standalone game right now I don't think I'll really be playing this a lot. It's too hard! Most of the enemies need to be hit a lot before they die and the rate of fire is pretty slow unless you're right on top of them, also the enemies stay on screen for such a short amount of time that I feel lucky if I kill 1 or 2 out of a wave of 5. They also shoot so much and so fast that for many waves you can only get off 1 or 2 shots which doesn't kill any of them before dodging their fire again. The asteroids are cool, but it'd help if they could be destroyed (they can't, unless they just need a rediculous amount of fire, then they should be weaker :P). I was expecting some kind of upgrades to appear at first, if they would appear making your weapon stronger that could help too.
Again, it does show promise even if right now I don't think it's so hot as a playable game, and I hope the author keeps working on it (I understand this was just a little example of what his work in progress could do). With some more options (like upgrades), more enemies, and generally more tweaking it could create a very cool game I think :)

Aka noid: Nice, looks very polished... Not much to say really, it's arkanoid but it's very well made and lots of fun :)

Neutron Strike: only played this a little while, seemed fun, but the bullets are a bit hard to track cos they're the same colour as the specks in the background.

cave heli: These are always fun, but I think it's getting overshadowed by lacuna since lacuna is basically the same base idea taken to a whole new level. Still, fun to kill the odd minute or 2.

Elena: ooo nice idea! I really like it a lot, it adds a nice twist to the whole tetris thing. If I could add a few suggestions though... It's pretty hard! It'd help if the next block would be visible (in one of the top corners for instance). Also I think it'd help a LOT if one tap left or right would actually move the block one column left or right, now you gotta tap a few times and keep an eye on your block to see wether it moved or not, not something you wanna do when your blocks keep falling faster and faster and you're frantically trying to get to where they need to go in time. Also, select seems to swivel the view down, but how do you get it back up? :unsure: Other than restarting the game I mean :P

Smash GP: Ehm, well, I tried it, and it does look cool, but I guess the game just isn't for me. I never played super smash bros either. It does look very smooth though, my compliments for that :)

Nazca dreams: I've only played the first part a bit, jumping around collecting those things, and it looks pretty fun, the graphics are a bit odd but in a pretty cool way. I understand though there's different game modes ahead so I'll have to play this more.

WWII: Looks pretty nice, havent really played it enough yet to comment more.

MGS: It looks okay, but at 2 fps on my GP... I didn't see any option to set the clockspeed though, cos my GP can go a little over 160. Looks like it could well become something really cool though, but at its current state I'll be taking it off my smc again soon.

Bombz GP: This looks so promising, cos I LOVE bomberman... but, it crashes the hell out of my GP :blink:. I'm okay if I immediately get that upgrade to shoot/throw stuff at the baddies, but when I lay a bomb, as soon as it blows I have a 2/3 chance that my GP either hangs (screen goes real funky) or reboots... I hope these issues get fixed cos I'd love to try it some more :)

Xump: Nice little puzzler :) simple concept, well delivered. I havent played it too much yet though so can't comment on the levels.

I havent really tried the other entries just yet, but I will in time. Not sure about deluxe snake though, it seems it just takes up way too much space on a small SMC for a snake game :unsure:

Last note, big kudos to everyone that entered anything, and I hope you'll keep at it :). Maybe I'll try to join you some time ;)
lots of stuff

ok actually i've tried it again and actually it's a lot better when using the a button to thrust up... :)

but i still think it would look cooler if there was a little craft instead of just a white square, and the gameplay would be a little more forgiving (while still requiring skill) if you had say 3 bounces worth of energy bar with the possibility of picking up (rare) recharges along the way, perhaps...

as for the die/instantly go back to start screen thingy, a high-score table would be nice...? :)

thanks for responding to my comments, woogal. congrats on the win. (and i'll spend a bit more time with things before commenting next time ;))
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sorry but I disagree totally, more lives would unbalance the game. As for highscores, each different mode saves your highscore, which is perfect, why bother with a list of highscores and the hassle of entering your name each time (if this is what you were implying). Dying instantly and being able to jump straight back in is great as you don't have time to lose your concentration

And replacing the ship with a graphic? naaaaaah
In case it makes any difference...
/agree frolik ;)

The cross thing may look a bit odd but it's very functional and makes the game more fun to play imho as it helps to see if you're in the right spot. You just gotta look at it as just being a game... it doesn't have to represent anything from real life.
Blair wars- Just didn't really see the point to this, over in about one second. <-- you didnt rtfm (like me)

Actually I did :) The minute I get the win screen, my GP32 reboots so it's not as if I can do anything. I have downloaded the new version though so I'll try that and see if that helps :)
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My brief thoughts to add to the pot:

Xump - superb! I've played many variations of this concept, and this is as good as any. Great music, plays perfectly.

PBSynth - what a fantastic idea for the GP32. A lot of fun to play around with (even though I have no idea what the hell I'm doing), and could become a great music tool. Reminds me of the Gameboyz Orchestra!

Bombz - nice start, could develop into a cracker. Love the circle of light effect! The enemies are very hard to lure into a bomb blast on the wide, open spaces though.

Neutron Strike - simple shooter with potential. I prefer one hit kill shooters personally, but there's plenty of those around.

Elena - implemented the concept so well, with fantastic music -- just a great game all round. Tetris in a well!

SmashGP - WOW. Damn impressive. This could turn out to be the best Homebrew game yet! The scaling looks amazing.

Nazca Dreams - a visual dream. So much work has gone into this... it's just brimming over with imagination. Needs some work with sprite collision, etc (I got stuck down a cave and couldn't jump out!), but this thoroughly deserves all accolades it receives.

Lacuna - what more can I say? A deserved winner. This one will be on my SMC forever. It may even pip GPSpout as the premier relentless high-score-getter!

Cave Copter - I was addicted to this as a Flash game, but somehow this version isn't quite as crisp. It's still a damn fine game though -- Madness speed with moving blocks is pure insanity!

Tobi Drummer - the coolest just got cooler! Not much more to say. It's the new, improved Tobi!

Aka Noid - bloody arcade PERFECT! Who needs MAME when you've got Arkanoid right here in your hot li'l hands? Ah, bliss. Now where's the rollerball add-on for the GP32?

WW2 - I liked this a lot - very neatly put together. It's a bit difficult to tell if you're at the exact same altitude as another plane, but it's a lot of fun.

GPMemory - love a good memory game! The consoles tileset is just right :)

Metal Gear Snake VR Missions - can't comment much on this because I haven't played MGS2... but it's a highly impressive feat even at this stage! Love to see how it progresses.

Blair Wars - challenging and fun. A shooter that requires a bit of thought as well as fast reflexes. The "Blair/Osama" stuff has nothing really to do with the game, don't let that put you off! The game certainly grows on you (make sure you read the txt first!)...

GPAmp - Nice! REALLY nice! I'm using it alongside SVorbis now... two top music players and over 4 hours of music on one SMC -- awesome. One thing I'd definitely like to see in a future version -- a FFWD/RWD function.

Pituka - cool to finally see the Amstrad emulated, and emulated well. Nicely put together emu - once the easy DSK loading is implemented will be a dream. Lots of classic games to play here.

Masterlator - when the screen zoomed out I did a double-take - what a cool effect :) A nice alternative to FSMS (which I think I still prefer) with great presentation.

Deluxe Snakes - one of the best snake games around. Lovely controls, well presented.

GPMax - knocked my socks off when I first saw it! Pretty impressive on the GP32, and fun to play.

Yet to try RomArcade, YANL, or Goits of Rage for one reason or another. Oh, and I didn't mention DrMD but everyone knows how brilliant that is by now :) So much stuff is working full speed with sound now... makes some happy, happy, GP32 owners.

My final thoughts on the competition as a whole -- the best recommendation you can give is this: it's a GREAT advertisement for new & potential GP32 owners. To see what an amazing community the GP32 has, with such ripe imagination and skill, makes the 'little handheld that could' a very attractive prospect. Much thanks to Craig & the GBAX crew for putting on the show.