Unhappy With Your Stylus?


Feb 28, 2008
Sydney, Australia
I don't hate the F200 stylus. It's cute. But I wanted a DS stylus, and I wanted it attached to the GP2X somehow. And so it came to be.

I picked up a 3-pack of non genuine DS styli for $8.50 (if you're in Aus, get them from JB Hifi, Kmart etc). Then I scoured the hardware store for random bits and pieces. End result:


Here are the bits. The tube came from the garden irrigation section - the diameter is such that it grips the stylus perfectly. My original idea was to run the tube all the way, but it was too tight to push the stylus in more than a few centimetres.


Now, when a powerful need to play Space Varments overcomes me, I whip out the stylus and I'm spilling blood in mere seconds. And the matching colour makes me very happy. The only downside is that I don't think it's going to fit into the official GP2X case very well. Oops. :lol: Ah well, I hate that thing anyway.
I've been using a pack of old palm stylus clones. I like the slender metal body.

Unfortunately rather than attaching it to my F200, I just have the styluses liberally distributed throughout my house.. ;)

Nice mod though... :)
You mean one of these?


Yeah, I have one of them too. :D They're really nice to use, but the metal doesn't exactly fit with my white GP2X.
I have my F200 stylus attached to it, using that cord to hook through that small hole on the bottom of the F200.

I thought this might be a good idea until I read it wouldn't fit in the carry case XD.
Turns out it does fit, I posted too soon. There goes my excuse to buy another case.

I originally attached the factory stylus the same way as you, but the endless dangling drove me up the wall. So I hung it off the case, where it lives happily. Only problem is, it's never in reach when I want to get tappy.
I did a super cheap-o stylus mod that worked great:


(sorry for quality its a bad cellphone cam)

I just cut a straw to size my telescopic 3rd-party stylus, plugged on end with rubber band and superglue, then superglued the straw just above the battery cover.

The stylus fits perfectly in there, is nice and snug and won't fall out. Yes it's not super pretty but it works! I could always cover the straw area with a small bit of plastic cut to shape probably.

Also at the bottom of the photo you see a PSP case modded to have the GP2x metal logo emblem from the GP2x case.
Nice one. Love the use of a straw :lol:

I've altered mine slightly, but don't have a camera on hand. The white plastic bit ended up breaking, so I ripped it off and replaced it with another short piece of tube. Much better now, should have done that in the first place!
I wonder if it would actually be possible to drill a small hole into the case and stick the stylus in there... I might give that a shot after some careful examination of the case. Maybe have it cut out part of the bottom too so that the stylus doesn't get lost inside... I would imagine that a straw could be added and glued to the inside to support and guide the stylus when sliding it in.
Hehe... so then I can stick my stylus where the sun don't shine ^^.
It’s doable – as long as you don’t do it the way I tried to. Evidence of my screwup is deviously hidden in my photos.

If you look at my first pic, where the white clip is glued on, you can see that the corner of the battery section has been modified. If you could spin that photo around to view it from the other side, you’d see a hole in that corner and a matching one on the other side of the battery section. I thought the stylus might slide in here, but no. Now I have two holes that need filling. <_<

Plan it better than I did though, and you should be able to do it.