Understanding the lurkers

Are you a lurker or a poster?

  • I'm a lurker. My Post/Month ratio is under 2. I have not ordered a Pyra.

    Votes: 25 22.7%
  • I'm a lurker. My Post/Month ratio is under 2. I have ordered a Pyra.

    Votes: 51 46.4%
  • I'm a poster. My Post/Month ratio is 2 or more. I have not ordered a Pyra.

    Votes: 8 7.3%
  • I'm a poster. My Post/Month ratio is 2 or more. I have ordered a Pyra.

    Votes: 25 22.7%
  • I like to respond to polls but have no interest in the Pyra.

    Votes: 1 0.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Forum Addict!
Oct 3, 2008
I have noticed that we have several types of users in the forums. Yes, I realize that this classification system is imprecise, but it's an informal internet poll, so what would you expect? This is for curiosity sake only.

What I'm interested in is the cross section of Lurkers (1 or less posts per month) Vs Posters (1 or more posts per month) crossed with Pre-ordered Vs Not ordered yet.

It's clear that both lurkers and posters have an interest in the project's progress. For those of you who haven't ordered yet, please post back what would be your tipping point. I.e. what news or development would you want to see in order to move you from the Not Ordered Yet to (Pre) ordered?
I've been involved with these boards since before the Pandora preorders and read them regularly. I also am a pre-preorderer of the Pyra. I just don't feel I have any great, in depth, knowledge or input on the manufacture or programming of these systems. So I lurk and wait. :D
I am a slow adaptor. I read for ages, literally: years, before I even got a Pandora. But once I am hooked, you hardly can get rid of me ;)
I am a frenetic "show new posts" clicker that hopes that the Pyra is ready for purchase before:

1. WW3 starts
2. The poleshift happens
3. My pandora becomes fubar (dead nub, purplescreen, broken plastic, destroyed shoulderbuttons, etc...).

As I find it absurd that the 2 months (tm) shift along, I post in the Absurdism Corner, while drinking vast amounts of Chinese Whiskey (it's cheaper, and I'm out of rum) to drown my sorrows.
I enjoy reading more than writing, besides that I'm not very into posting a lot on any forum unless I really have to or just feel like it.
And I've pre-ordered a Pyra several months ago.
I am a lurker (check the dark corners of abandoned factories), I just make a lot of noise (they are abandoned, so why not?).

I wish I had the money to pay the rest of my Pyra off. (Maybe if I rip the pipes and wires out I can sell them...or maybe I can use them to make a Pyra.)

Why can't I like polls AND be a poster (see below) that pre-preordered?
I was kind of a lurker through he who must not be mentioned Pandora shenanigans, and only put in a preorder once I saw units in youtube videos posted to Gruso's pandorapress site. I forget when I actually became active on gp32x/here, but I think I was around for the launch of this place (was that before or after ED took over production? I forget).

It's a shame Eki's not been able to keep up posting to his pandoralive site, but I guess without a certain user's shenanigans it's easier to watch the news thread without getting quite so wound up.
I've been a lurker here for years, I only registered an account today so I could respond to this poll. Never had a Pandora because I'm 'just' a gamer, it would have been an expensive toy for me, I've mostly lurked these boards perusing other topics. I just might order a Pyra if it fills any needs not met by my other devices, and i can save enough moolah.
a) I am a lurker with two pandoras. There are others who like to give of themselves, why should disturb. :)
b) I am a german lurker with two pandoras. Often i don't understand whats going on, so why writing comment in bad english?

Well, I generally try to contribute something useful. As I lack the faculties to do so most of the time, I rarely comment.

P. S. I have a pandora (love it) and gonna wait for a few years before I even need Pyra :-)
I also have a Pandora, but it's a CC Modell whit some Issues already, its works, but I would rather like to have my shiny new Pyra..
but I wait for the Switch anywhere, so no hurry at this point..
The first thing I do, when I wake up, is Scheck the Boards for some news about The Pyra, so im lurking everyday..

Thanks to this Board and the old Board from Mister "where is your ordernumber " my English is now much better..
For those of you who haven't ordered yet, please post back what would be your tipping point. I.e. what news or development would you want to see in order to move you from the Not Ordered Yet to (Pre) ordered?
The news I need to order a Pyra would be a pay rise or that the Pyra is ready and in stock. :P I could afford a Pyra right now probably, but I could also just invest the 600€ in other hobbies and save money for the time it is really released. ;-)
This thread needs more pictures. Where are all the posters?

If anyone wants to join in the conversations here, just do it (prefect opportunity for a Nike poster, but I am too lazy). I don't think most of us mind bad English/Engrish. As an alternative for those that don't know English, or are uncomfortable posting in it, use your native language and we can work around it (someone can translate, or we can try to use Google translate or whatever). I appreciate everyone that posts in English even though it isn't their native language, however everyone that wants to is welcome here. I am pretty sure German is the semi-official second language here, with some fairly active and important French users as well.

To put minds at ease, there are even native English speakers that have no clue what other native English speakers are saying sometimes. Some of my posts are probably not understood by others. Probably true of some posts by @FaeMinx, too.
Had to figure out how many months I've been registered to determine that one. I am a lurker(was my guess but wanted to be sure) Jumped over with everyone from the gp32 forums. I don't post much due to my lack of having anything worthwhile to add. I'm am a fanatic if these handheld devices. Gp32, gp2x, pandora, and hopefully a wiz. I have not pre ordered yet due to a large credit I'm supposed to get from the ICP fiasco that cannot be used until the pyramid is out. I am trying to put enough money aside to pre order one before as well but am not there yet. This community always has awesome stuff come from our crazy developers which is why I'm here... Lurking... All the time.
As EvilDragon lives in Ingolstadt, and our Hardware Developer Nikolaus also lives in Germany, and Global Components also is a German Company, I think whe can say, the Pyra is a "Made in Germany " Produkt,
So it would be strange, if German isn't the second important language at this Board..:

Whe aren't that big as Russia or the USA, but whe are also a big player :)

To speak Deutsch, whe already have the German Openhandhelds Board, but EvilDragon ditnt post much nowadays in our boards as the International Board became more important
Yeah, you can post in your native language here, especially if it's germanic or romantic (you finns can keep away with that gibberish ;) ), but since I can't converse in those languages those threads tend to be quiet. I do appreciate it when people at least try to speak english - I was going to point to matzesu, but his post just there seems grammatically almost perfect and there aren't even any odd german words in there that I need to guess at!