The mighty inverse laplacinator
i SAID redundant ... as in it is mostly the same as debian.... with patches that could be put into debian
as parag0n mentioned the petty bickering.... debian can be quite nasty when it comes to licenseing.... i mean firefox is even rebranded due to this in debian
debian and ubuntu bot have problems but for me I can take debians crap better that the bloat in ubuntu
I must admit that ubunut is better at networking than debian etch... hopefully lenny will fix that also checkinstall is broken in etch one of the main resons im using debian and i know it is working in lenny
as parag0n mentioned the petty bickering.... debian can be quite nasty when it comes to licenseing.... i mean firefox is even rebranded due to this in debian
debian and ubuntu bot have problems but for me I can take debians crap better that the bloat in ubuntu
I must admit that ubunut is better at networking than debian etch... hopefully lenny will fix that also checkinstall is broken in etch one of the main resons im using debian and i know it is working in lenny