UAE4ALL newbie help please

Hi, love the emulator, is there a way to remap the emulator (not the game buttons), e.g. that the emulator menu comes up during the game pressing "Start" instead of "Select"? Thanks

Can't have this emulator work...

Don't know what i'm missing but 1st thing : i tried to run pnd to create the folders in appdata but folders disappear from the sd card after i got the message "missing kick.rom"

Anybody knows what is going on ??

Thanks for your help

Here's the output file :

I did use the uae4allv2.0.pnd but rename it in a desperate move


PND             : /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/apps/UAE4ALL.pnd

PND_FSTYPE      : Squashfs

APPDATADIR      : /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/appdata/uae4all

APPDD_FSTYPE    : vfat


EXENAME         :

ARGUMENTS       : <unset>


[ START ]--- Mount the PND ----------

Mounting : mount -t squashfs -o ro "/dev/loop1" "/mnt/utmp/uae4all"

Mounting the Union FS : mount -t aufs -o exec,noplink,dirs="/media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/appdata/uae4all=rw+nolwh":"/mnt/pnd/uae4all=rr" none "/mnt/utmp/uae4all"

[sUCCESS]--- Mount the PND ----------

[ START ]--- Set CPU speed ----------

[sUCCESS]--- Set CPU speed ----------

[ START ]--- Starting the application (  ) ----------

ls: cannot access ./kickstarts/*: No such file or directory

[ FAILED]--- Starting the application (  ) ----------

[ START ]--- Restoring the frame buffer status ----------

[sUCCESS]--- Restoring the frame buffer status ----------

[ START ]--- uMount the PND ----------

[ START ]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------

[sUCCESS]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------

auplink:plink.c:223: AUFS_CTL_PLINK_MAINT: Inappropriate ioctl for device

rmdir: failed to remove `/mnt/utmp/uae4all': Device or resource busy

[ START ]--- Waiting the PND mount dir to be free ----------

[sUCCESS]--- Waiting the PND mount dir to be free ----------

cleanup done

[sUCCESS]--- uMount the PND ----------


Return code is : 3
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No i didn't get it work

Don't really understand why

All others pnd work great.

I tried to reflash, to use a new SD card, use slot 1 or slot 2 but got the same result each time : the folders in appdata deleted themselves after the message "missing kick.rom"

If you have any idea... thanks
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The kick roms I use are called: Amiga kick13.rom  Amiga kick20.rom and Amiga31.rom.

They are in the "kick" folder

in the kickstarts folder I have the roms named as kick13.rom etc (without the "Amiga" name before)

These cover all the most popular machines eg amiga 500 600 and 1200.

The roms have to be 512k in size or they will not work.

Some roms downloadable from the internet will just not work even though they are correct size.

I purchased Amiga Forever for PC with all amiga kicks included and they are correct.

Did you follow the installation guide as this worked for me?

Here Is The link ( this may be outdated as uae4all has got many updates since)
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Thanks for the link and the tips

I'll try that tonight after the soccer game  :)

I was assuming that the folders have to be create when i run the pnd and each time i did it, there were no folders in appdata. I'll create them manually.

OK, it is running now thanks to your help and BAFelton's. Thanks guys
Quick question,

I have the UAe4all emulator running very nicely, I think my ADF are a bit of date they are the really old FLF Amiga History collection and Super Cars 2 won't work my favourite. The problem I'm having is with the default settings I set the Ghz fast, memory etc and save them as global but when I reset the emulator ( R trigger) to load a new game it forgets the settings and defaults back to 600ghz etc. If I reopen the emulator all my pre-sets are there. So they are saved.

Is there anyway to permanently set the defaults?

