Two Tapwave Zodiacs +accesories


Active Member
Aug 18, 2006
hey, im looking for offers on two tapwave zodiac 1 gaming pda's. I have the two devices, a leather wallet style case, 3 games - z pak: fun which includes kickoo's breakout, mega bowling and paintball, duke nukem mobile and Tony Hawks Pro Skater 4, they are all in there original box and on sd cards, also i have one 1gb sd card. That is all great but there are a couple of issues, though i have two chargers, i only have one usb cable, and 1 of the zodiacs has a slight indent on the back (only noticeable up close due to the aluminum casing) and the other has a buzzy left speaker and would be better for someone planning on using it with headphones. One comes with an added plasic screen protector and the leather flipover screen protector and the other has no screen protector (that one was used with the leather case). Im happy to take offers on any 1 thing here or everything here, i figured though this is non gp2x it would be okay to mention these here because it is very similar and i didnt want to go to ebay because of the minor flaws they have. The only difference between the zodiac 1 and 2 is the 1 is a sort of metallic gray instead of blue and the 1 has 32mb of ram while the 2 has 128mb though it has always seemed to me that this doesnt mean ram in the traditional sense but more storage space with something like 16mb being used by the system and i havent found an application that hasn't run due to the lack of ram. The touchscreens work perfectly on both of them as well as the joysticks (dont drift to one side) and the vibration. In my opinion the buzzing on the left speaker isnt annoying at all for games but i could imagine if you planned on listening to music or movies loud out of the speakers it would hurt the experience.

For those who dont know what a zodiac is (i doubt thats anyone here):

A simpler list of what this is:

1 zodiac 1-screen protector/leather screen flip cover-indent
1 zodiac 1-Buzzy left speaker
1 leather wallet style case
1 copy of z pak: fun on sd in original box-includes kickoo's breakout, mega bowling and paintball
1 copy of Duke Nukem Mobile on sd in original box
1 copy of Tony Hawks Pro Skater 4 on sd in original box
2 chargers
1 usb sync cable
1 1gb sd card
well i was looking for offers because i figured i might go way to high or too low... but i can think of a price on my end if you tell me which console your interested in and what you want with it.
Jackd said:
hey, im looking for offers on two tapwave zodiac 1 gaming pda's. I have the two devices, a leather wallet style case, 3 games - z pak: fun which includes kickoo's breakout, mega bowling and paintball, duke nukem mobile and Tony Hawks Pro Skater 4, they are all in there original box and on sd cards, also i have one 1gb sd card. That is all great but there are a couple of issues, though i have two chargers, i only have one usb cable, and 1 of the zodiacs has a slight indent on the back (only noticeable up close due to the aluminum casing) and the other has a buzzy left speaker and would be better for someone planning on using it with headphones. One comes with an added plasic screen protector and the leather flipover screen protector and the other has no screen protector (that one was used with the leather case). Im happy to take offers on any 1 thing here or everything here, i figured though this is non gp2x it would be okay to mention these here because it is very similar and i didnt want to go to ebay because of the minor flaws they have. The only difference between the zodiac 1 and 2 is the 1 is a sort of metallic gray instead of blue and the 1 has 32mb of ram while the 2 has 128mb though it has always seemed to me that this doesnt mean ram in the traditional sense but more storage space with something like 16mb being used by the system and i havent found an application that hasn't run due to the lack of ram. The touchscreens work perfectly on both of them as well as the joysticks (dont drift to one side) and the vibration. In my opinion the buzzing on the left speaker isnt annoying at all for games but i could imagine if you planned on listening to music or movies loud out of the speakers it would hurt the experience.
For those who dont know what a zodiac is (i doubt thats anyone here):

A simpler list of what this is:

1 zodiac 1-screen protector/leather screen flip cover-indent
1 zodiac 1-Buzzy left speaker
1 leather wallet style case
1 copy of z pak: fun on sd in original box-includes kickoo's breakout, mega bowling and paintball
1 copy of Duke Nukem Mobile on sd in original box
1 copy of Tony Hawks Pro Skater 4 on sd in original box
2 chargers
1 usb sync cable
1 1gb sd card

I don't suppose you'd be interesting in doing a swap for a PSP v1 (Custom FW,Screen Protector'd from ownership) with memory card (>=1GB, but will have to check) 3 Games (Wipeout, GTA:VCS, Mercury), One UMD movie (Saw) and Desk charger ?
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I honestly have no idea :P

I'm trying to decide whether I'd prefer a buzzy speaker or a small dent...
ya its a tough choice, i can post a picture of the dent and/or a video with the speakers sound. It seems like no problem for gaming, just slightly annoying but if you want to use this to blast mp3's your not going to want the one with the broken speaker.
Jackd said:
ya its a tough choice, i can post a picture of the dent and/or a video with the speakers sound. It seems like no problem for gaming, just slightly annoying but if you want to use this to blast mp3's your not going to want the one with the broken speaker.
That might be helpful, but only if you have the time. I wouldn't want to be an inconvenience.

Also maybe worthy of note is that I live in the UK. I'm not sure where you are, but postage costs vary.
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oh, if your in the uk id rather not do a trade, sorry :(, though im happy to sell it to you for cash. This is partly because of the wall charger not being compatible but also the double shipping over paypal.
im not completely sure of there value these days so feel free to make an offer but i was thinking something like $100.
i now have 2 zodiacs both with flipover screen covers great working analogue sticks and touchscreens perfect speakers. One has a minor depression of the aluminum on the back but its barely even noticeable and doesnt matter at all (pm me if you want a picture). I have Duke Nukem Mobile, Z Pak: Fun, Tony Hawks Pro Skater 4 all in box in perfect condition. I also have a charger and usb cable for both of the zodiacs.

Im looking for $100 each but feel free to make an offer publicly or via pm or even make a trade offer.
1 zodiac plus all the games sold... i now have one zodiac with screen cover charger and usb in perfect condition plus a 1gb sd card for sale-looking for $120 plus shipping but feel free to make a cash or trade offer- im in the US (california).