Twitterix Teases Yet Again!

hobbyman II said:
umm! Sony?, the revolving Pandora cube is cool and all, but could you increase the frames to cover 360deg, that fade in is bugging me B) , my world has to be perfect you know, it's all about ME! ME! I say....... <_<

Haha! it looks like he may have ripped that from my avatar. And I don't currently have the time sorry :P
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javaJake said:
I'd be interested to know who qualifies as a developer, how many developer slots they've got, and how much they want Gentoo on the Pandora.

No disrespect to the guys working on Gentoo or any other OS distro but I'd hope that developer units would be sent to people developing games/emulators/productivity tools for the main OS, that most people can and will want to make use of, rather than people developing alternate distors with pretty limited appeal.

Unless of course there are more units available than developers willing to take them.
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craigix said:
Until 2008 I had a big 4x4 GMC dually, now when I need it all I have is this falling to bits 7 series.
Much as I loved my 750iL, it was a total pig in the snow.
Those wide tires with the RWD powerplant just don't have any grip.
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craigix said:
I've made and eaten only friend breakfasts since new years eve. So far I've gone though 12 eggs, 12 pieces of bacon, 2 tins of tomatos, 2 tins of beans and 8 slices of toast.
I was snowed in once and had to eat my friends for breakfast too. Fortunately the plow came through before lunch. The cat was starting to look tasty.
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Craig has tweeted again:

"I might have V1.0 of the OpenPandora AppStore ready tomorrow."
WizardStan said:
craigix said:
I've made and eaten only friend breakfasts since new years eve. So far I've gone though 12 eggs, 12 pieces of bacon, 2 tins of tomatos, 2 tins of beans and 8 slices of toast.
I was snowed in once and had to eat my friends for breakfast too. Fortunately the plow came through before lunch. The cat was starting to look tasty.

I think we should do a head count. Who accepted the invitation to 'see a Pandora' over Christmas and hasn't posted since?
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