

Still Fresh
Oct 30, 2005
I have no s-video support in my tv. Ok, I can get a new tv. But soon there will not be tv's supporting s-video, because of the HD-tv's. I have a scart where I can but the s-video, but I will see it in black and white. Can there be a patch that makes the tv-out to send normal video, not s-video
Daikira posted on Mar 1 2006 at 09:24 AM said:
I have no s-video support in my tv. Ok, I can get a new tv. But soon there will not be tv's supporting s-video, because of the HD-tv's. I have a scart where I can but the s-video, but I will see it in black and white. Can there be a patch that makes the tv-out to send normal video, not s-video

i know they make s-video to RCA...i've never had to use one so i'm not certain about the details but i mean something like this:
(don't know the store, just googled for it)

anyway you should be able to convert s-video to composite video. if you're in the states then you can get such things at radio shack.
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there are svideo do composit adapters. Through i would try to get svideo to work as it haves a better quality.
speakign of the these cables, anyone know if gp32z has the good tv out cable? I'm not sure yet who has and doesnt have the good one, all I know is that gbax does but thats too expensive shipping wise for me.

HydraLancer posted on Mar 1 2006 at 02:31 PM said:
speakign of the these cables, anyone know if gp32z has the good tv out cable? I'm not sure yet who has and doesnt have the good one, all I know is that gbax does but thats too expensive shipping wise for me.


I got a TV-Out cable from them awhile back and it was crap-o-lishous. No responce from them either on getting it replaced with one that actually works.
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DUUUUDE! HD tv aint gonna take over the world u know. ;) HD tv will always have s-video, mainly because NOBODY would ever buy HD tv ever if it could not run things like my 2 day old £1000 digital camcorder etc!

HD tv, wanna know why people are puching it so much? "clear picture!" so what!!?!! fair enough, on a MASSIVE screen its good, but who can afford a £4000 tv or even fit one in their homes? LET ALONE want to have HD everything!

You know what HD means? Digital TV will change too! You would have to update to a new HD compatible digibox, you wouldnt play ur snes on there... coz ur HD tv would output the signals wrong even if you did have a re route.

Whats interesting is this, im a film maker and work in media industry, you know that every studio now has to upgrade to HD cameras and computers?? this means also that the MASSIVE amount of data HD stuff is made out of... the processes for making film now are becomming more complex and expensive. a £7000 camera now would cost over £12,000 to have it in HD format, you also would have to stop using the industy standard tapes aswell...

not only that, but the studio would basically have to be re-worked! Costing hundreds of thousands JUST for a clearer picture? Sounds a bit crazy to me!

Wanna know why they would spend so much on this HD stuff? its because of the transfer signal. The HD signal for tv, because of its large transfer rate, you can also put in MORE data to that transmission. SKY and other big companies etc etc through the HD signal actually will stop you recording your programs, because of the new connections, it will basically render the image unwatchable.
They do this now, but now they will be able to KNOW whos watching what, at what time and if they tried to record it.

Its big thing that cable companies are going to do, just watch this space! seriously! I may sound like im going on about this, but the only reason why HD is coming in so fast, its not just because it makes pictures clearer, but because its going to revolutionise tv.
Its not going to be simply "tune in" anymore. In the next few years, you can actually stop a channel being viewed on your tv by telling them to stop showing it to your exact signal.
If you dont believe me still, just wait then!

If they get rid of s-video, then basically ALL equiptment is going to change.
If you look at the difference between scart and s-video, there aint much! still it produces a similar signal. But hd produces a much larger signal with a HECK of a lot more data.

You know what HD will do to us right? stop companies like gph making the gp2x cost effective, by making hd an industry standard format, its a hellish expensive one at that! so gph will have to fork out a TONNE of money to get it HD.
Besides, emulation etc is NOT hd ready.. so what can we do?!?! what a way to stop piracy ey? imagine this! ur HD tv check whether or not ur DVD is a legit copy or not! Sounds freaky, but i know of results which prove that this is actually in the works!

its the perfect crime really ;) seriously guys, read up on some HD nonsense. thats if HD does take over.

But it will not ;) nintendo refuse to make the revolution HD ready. why? "to make it cost effective and family friendly". But you know what all the xbox and ps3 fanboys will say right?

Thing you gotta ask yourself is this, why would sony make a ps3 hd compatible? for sony products of course!
ALL the big companies are making hd. But its no where NEAR cheap to do this, sony fork out money for just a better picture! i dont think so mate!

look up HD in google ;) you will see what i mean!

By the way, do you believe me?

i dont !! hahahah!

By the way, i think s-video is fine! nearly all things now are s-video! (actually composite aux aswell) but a simple adaptor from radio shack can change this with not much extra cost, maybe 5 bucks or something.

a gp2x with hd ready signal? your talking a gp2x in the range of about £300!...

la dee daa..
The FCC is mandating that all US television stations be broadcasting in HDTV by the end of 2007. Analogue signals are to be phased out by 2009. I've heard this from two sources I consider reliable. Don't be so sure that HDTV isn't going to take over the world.
the tv out chip on the gp2x allready supports 1080i (and rgb/vga):-)
they would just have to route the other lines to the outside world.
I made a S-Video => Coaxial (normal) video adapter cable once. It was fairly easy and the you don't need any fancy equipment. All you need is a female s-video end and a male coaxial end and some soldering equipment (you can even use tape!). Consider the solution if you don't want a new TV.
speakign of the these cables, anyone know if gp32z has the good tv out cable? I'm not sure yet who has and doesnt have the good one, all I know is that gbax does but thats too expensive shipping wise for me.


Lik-sang has them, cheap and they work. Short cables though.
hd is SO wierd! ALL future programmes are going to be recorded is HD quality.
But what about the re-runs of older stuff? people arent going to see any noticable HD difference then.

I just dont know why people just make MASSIVE pc monitors and like watch tv on that through an internet connection ;) but anyway. Im probably never going to get a HD until say a good few years. Never has a product become essential in such a quick time!
Over here, analog tv signal (through aerial) is being cut off in 2010. but probably STILL have normal scart etc etc for digibox.
HD over here will be limited to SKY boxes etc and special digiboxes. Not many people in the UK and europe can afford HD tvs, there are going to be hundreds of thousands of people with s-video and composite tvs an over europe. So im not counting HD in yet.
It took DVDs all this time to become pretty much an industry standard.. but nearly every single video camera is TAPE based. So its not typically an essencial hardware medium.
When hd comes out, cameras will have their own hard drives!! and its going ot be expensive for any small film making copany etc etc to start any business.

All im saying is this - if i can plug it into a pc monitor, im happy ;)
but i wouldnt need to plug my gp2x into a pc monitor! EVER!

The only reason why id get a tv out cable is to go to a mates house, or to college or in the living room of my home and play gp2x on there. And ALL of those places dont and will never really have a HD tv setup, not til at LEAST 5 years time.
And by that time it will be the NEXT, NEXT gen of consoles!

S-video and composite is just dandy for me ;)
Good Hd tv is like 1600€ (thats something like 1800$ I guess)
good video projector that supports HD, vga and can so good 100 inch picture costs 1200€(cheaper ones for 800€)... why should anyone buy tv?
Daikira posted on Mar 2 2006 at 10:54 AM said:
Good Hd tv is like 1600€ (thats something like 1800$ I guess)
good video projector that supports HD, vga and can so good 100 inch picture costs 1200€(cheaper ones for 800€)... why should anyone buy tv?

- good projector screens are extremely expensive
- many people don't buy receivers, at least not for video, whereas with a projector you absolutely need one
- a projector makes less sense in a room with a high ceiling
- even with all the best & most recent equipment, a sunny day still renders it useless

don't get me wrong, i love me a nice projector but they are better suited for dedicated home theater setups, which are definitely not cheaper once you add it all up
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