Ttd2x Updated - Touchscreen Support And More!


I feel a great disturbance in the source
Nov 1, 2006
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Transport Tycoon Deluxe ported to the GP2X.
by ZodTTD and Senor Quack
build 012408

GP2X.DE Archive Link

With zodttd's approval, I recently took some time to help him get TTD2X using the F200's touchscreen. I must say, it works like a dream on the F200s! I also made a few additional improvements that will help even F100 users:

Build 01-24-08:
- Codebase migrated from 0.5.0-RC5 to latest OpenTTD stable release, 0.5.3
- Touchscreen support added for F200 users, including left-handers.
- Cursor movement speed has been reduced slightly, but now speeds up when the START key is held down.
- Added hotkeys for landscaping tool, zoom-in/out, auto-rail tool, and transparency toggle for buildings/trees.
- Sound buffer size reduced to 256 bytes to fix sound lag.
- Over a dozen scenarios are now included.

Be sure to read the included README.TXT for installation requirements!
This game requires the original data files from Transport Tycoon Deluxe. It is most compatible with the Windows version's data files.


(This screenshot is of an older build, the toolbar is actually only one row now, with more playfield area thanks to zodttd's efforts)

PocketPC, Palm, and SmartPhone releases of OpenTTD can be found at zodttd's sites: and

Are you new to OpenTTD or Transport Tycoon Deluxe in general? Follow these links for instructions:
OpenTTD Tutorial
OpenTTD Manual

As of build 012408, controls have improved even more. F200's with touchscreen are now supported.
TTD2X's control layout differs depending on which of three launch scripts are executed:

1.) TTD2X.GPE: for F100 users or those with F200s that don't want to use the stylus:

L TRIGGER: Left click
R TRIGGER: Right click
STICK/D-PAD: Move cursor
VOL DOWN: Control key
VOL UP: Shift key
A/B/X/Y: Scroll playfield
R TRIG. + X: Zoom out playfield
R TRIG. + Y: Zoom in playfield
R TRIG. + A: Autorail tool
R TRIG. + B: Make buildings/trees transparent
R TRIG. + SELECT: Landscaping tool
SELECT: Remove non-vital windows
START: Speed-up cursor movement

2.) TTD2X_RH.GPE: For right-handed F200 touchscreen users.
L TRIGGER: Control key
R TRIGGER: Shift key
D-PAD: Scroll playfield
VOL DOWN: Right click
VOL UP: Left click (intentional, as it is easier to press VOL UP than VOL DOWN)
L TRIG. + DOWN: Zoom out playfield
L TRIG. + UP: Zoom in playfield
L TRIG. + LEFT: Autorail tool
L TRIG. + RIGHT: Make buildings/trees transparent
A/B/X/Y: Move cursor (shouldn't be needed)
SELECT: Remove non-vital windows
START: Landscaping tool

3.) TTD2X_LH.GPE: For left-handed F200 touchscreen users.

L TRIGGER: Shift key
R TRIGGER: Control key
D-PAD: Move cursor (shouldn't be needed)
VOL DOWN: Landscaping tool
VOL UP: Remove non-vital windows
A/B/X/Y: Scroll playfield
R TRIG. + X: Zoom out playfield
R TRIG. + Y: Zoom in playfield
R TRIG. + A: Autorail tool
R TRIG. + B: Make buildings/trees transparent
SELECT: Left click
START: Right click

*NOTE* Volume control buttons aren't necessary, as accessed easily in the game's GUI.
Look for the sound icon on the far right of the toolbar when playing the game.

If you'd like to donate to zodttd for his awesome feat of bring TTD2X to the GP2X, donate to him! Send a donation of any amount to the following email: heirloomer -AT- pobox -DOT- com If you send a donation, you might want to write heirloomer -AT- pobox -DOT- com and make sure the payment was received. Normally if you receive a thank you note, zodttd got it ok. :)

You may also donate to me for this or any of my other work by sending paypal to: dansilsby -AT- gmail -DOT- com

Excellent release. Great to see more support for touchscreen. :D

Thanks to everyone involved in this. :)
Wow cool this game is made for TS units. It works great, thanks guys.
If I was having more cash, I'd buy a F200 for this :p

Thanks for the update on the F100 tought !

So does this require the original transport tycoon data files, or does it use the openttd ones?
Senor Quack said:
Be sure to read the included README.TXT for installation requirements!
This game requires the original data files from Transport Tycoon Deluxe. It is most compatible with the Windows version's data files.

It looks like you need the original files. The readme will have more information.

If you have data files that work with OpenTTD then they will work with OpenTTD on the GP2X.
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I just have tryed it !

It's soo excellent now :p

I almost not miss my mouse :p

paxl13 said:
I just have tryed it !

It's soo excellent now :p

I almost not miss my mouse :p

Thanks! I actually have been playing it all yesterday and today.. You really ought to get an F200, it's a BLAST drawing rails and such, right on the screen.
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Damn !!1, I'd soo like for it !!!

but I don't think I can justify this with my GirlFriend :p [ As I own a NDS/PSP/Gp2x + too much table console :p ]

I'll see


But thanks for the refining of the port !


Senor Quack said:
paxl13 said:
I just have tryed it !

It's soo excellent now :p

I almost not miss my mouse :p

Thanks! I actually have been playing it all yesterday and today.. You really ought to get an F200, it's a BLAST drawing rails and such, right on the screen.
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Can I ask something ?

Would it be possible to add the functionaly of Displacing window like in linux, holding alt and you can move the window by clicking anywhere ? This would add the possibility of chosing something in the difficulty dialog box !

Also, Thanks a lot for your port =)

Is it possible to change controls? I don´t like vol+- for mouse clicks, i prefer L & R

Thanks :)
paxl13 said:
Can I ask something ?

Would it be possible to add the functionaly of Displacing window like in linux, holding alt and you can move the window by clicking anywhere ? This would add the possibility of chosing something in the difficulty dialog box !

Also, Thanks a lot for your port =)

I'll look into the possibility. I'm am considering that, as well as two other alternatives: 1.) adding a key-combo to change resolution to 640x480 with a panned viewport, like the original port, that is used just for difficulty and patch options screens. 2.) creating a separate utility to allow you to change difficulty and patch options (last resort option)

Rivroner said:
Ia it posible to change controls? I don´t like vol+- for mouse clicks, i prefer L & R

Thanks :)
I might add custom control support, we'll see.. Any suggestions for one or two more hotkey combinations I should add? I might be able to squeeze another in.
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Also like L+ R for mouse clicks more, For that purpose I've used the F100 version It worked pretty good with touchscreen and L + R for the mouse clicks. Haven't played it long enough to notice any possible disadvantages.

Thanks for the F200 support Senor Quack.
Senor Quack said:
paxl13 said:
Can I ask something ?

Would it be possible to add the functionaly of Displacing window like in linux, holding alt and you can move the window by clicking anywhere ? This would add the possibility of chosing something in the difficulty dialog box !

Also, Thanks a lot for your port =)

I'll look into the possibility. I'm am considering that, as well as two other alternatives: 1.) adding a key-combo to change resolution to 640x480 with a panned viewport, like the original port, that is used just for difficulty and patch options screens. 2.) creating a separate utility to allow you to change difficulty and patch options (last resort option)

This idea would be perfect, simple and effective. This would make the whole game to resize itself when pressed, maybe hardcore to do... Anyway, after looking at the hotkey I can't find any more usefull than those mapped. If you want to see, I saw in the readme of the psp version that the window moving by clicking anywhere has been implanted. I don't have a PSP with a custom FW so I can't try if it works :p

Thanks a lot for your hard works on this game, I only start to be able to play. One of my OLDest game I've played a lot was A-Train by the Maxis compagny, similar but less hardcore than TTD. TTD's excellent !

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paxl13 said:
Senor Quack said:
Would it be possible to add the functionaly of Displacing window like in linux, holding alt and you can move the window by clicking anywhere ? This would add the possibility of chosing something in the difficulty dialog box !

This idea would be perfect, simple and effective. This would make the whole game to resize itself when pressed, maybe hardcore to do... Anyway, after looking at the hotkey I can't find any more usefull than those mapped. If you want to see, I saw in the readme of the psp version that the window moving by clicking anywhere has been implanted. I don't have a PSP with a custom FW so I can't try if it works :p

Thanks a lot for your hard works on this game, I only start to be able to play. One of my OLDest game I've played a lot was A-Train by the Maxis compagny, similar but less hardcore than TTD. TTD's excellent !


Good eyes regarding the latest PSP version, I just downloaded their source, hopefully it uses SDL like TTD2X.

EDIT Oh, yeah, this looks like it's gonna be just a cut-n'-paste job to get this easy movement of any window. I'll also add a hotkey for bringing up the cheat screen.
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Good eyes regarding the latest PSP version, I just downloaded their source, hopefully it uses SDL like TTD2X.

EDIT Oh, yeah, this looks like it's gonna be just a cut-n'-paste job to get this easy movement of any window. I'll also add a hotkey for bringing up the cheat screen.

Hail to you Senor Quack !!!

It'll be perfect :p even ingame it'll be usefull :p

Thansk you

Senor Quack said:
Transport Tycoon Deluxe ported to the GP2X.

Firstly, many thanks for this. I've never played it before, but this is definitely on my list!

Secondly, a suggestion - why not remove the following superfluous files:

Readme.txt (not the same as README.TXT)

For those wishing to get the datafiles, a quick google is your friend...

Are you not allowed to include the data files, etc, in the main distribution?
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