Ttdwiz: Transport Tycoon Deluxe V1.0


I feel a great disturbance in the source
Nov 1, 2006
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Transport Tycoon Deluxe ported to the Wiz with touchscreen support

Download link:,0,0,0,29,378

note: above screenshot is one I keep recycling from an older version.. this version has a more compact toolbar.

Based on OpenTTD 0.5.3 and TTD2X (GP2X version)
By ZodTTD and Senor Quack

Last Update: version 1.0 April 22nd 2010

New features (Senor Quack):
- Support for enhanced MP3 versions of original MIDI files made by the
Romanian musician Mircea Pavilcu. I have included the enhanced MP3s
with this port. If you want the original MIDI files to play instead,
copy the *.gm files from the original game to the gm/ folder.
- Altered button layout to better suit the Wiz and added new hotkeys for
opening the minimap, zooming and centering on the cursor from a zoomed-
out position, and fast-forwarding the game.
- Altered the game code to allow scrolling of the minimap using the DPAD.
- Altered the game code to allow repositioning the game creation window.

* Copy the "ttd_wiz_1.0" directory to your Wiz storage media (into the
sd's game/ folder if you want to use the .ini links but anywhere
you like is fine if you use another menu system than the GPH default)
* Place the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe game's *.GRF files in the
"ttd_wiz_1.0/data/" directory.
* Place the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe game's SAMPLE.CAT file in
the "ttd_wiz_1.0/data/" directory.
* Run TTDWiz for right-handed users or TTDWiz_LH for left-handed users

NOTE: if you don't want to use the built-in enhanced MP3 versions of the
original files, you can place the original game's *.gm files into
the "ttd_wiz_1.0/gm/" folder. It is safe to delete the MP3s if you
don't want to use them.

Q: What are the controls?
1.) TTDWiz.ini: for Right-handed users

L TRIGGER: Control key (hold to drag windows larger than the screen)
R TRIGGER: Shift key
D-PAD: Scroll map
VOL DOWN: Cheat window
VOL UP: Right mouse button
MENU: Left mouse button
Y: Map window
X: Toggle transparent buildings and trees
A: Zoom and center screen on cursor
B: Fast forward
SELECT: Close all windows
L TRIG. + UP: Zoom in
L TRIG. + DOWN: Zoom out
L TRIG. + LEFT: Close all windows
L TRIG. + RIGHT: Autorail tool

2.) TTDWiz_LH.ini: for Left-handed users

L TRIGGER: Shift key
R TRIGGER: Control key (hold to drag windows larger than the screen)
A/B/X/Y: Scroll map
VOL DOWN: Cheat window
VOL UP: Right mouse button
SELECT: Left mouse button
UP: Map window
DOWN: Toggle transparent buildings and trees
LEFT: Zoom and center screen on cursor
RIGHT Fast forward
MENU: Close all windows
R TRIG. + Y: Zoom in
R TRIG. + X: Zoom out
R TRIG. + A: Close all windows
R TRIG. + B: Autorail tool

*NOTE* Volume control buttons aren't necessary, as they're sliders
in the game's GUI. Look for the sound icon on the far right
of the toolbar when playing the game.

Q: Can I use the DPAD to control the cursor?
A: No, the Wiz port only supports the touchscreen for now.

Q: Are different languages supported?
A: Yes, as of build 020108, TTD2X now supports all languages OpenTTD supports.
Go to "Game Options" on
the main menu, then use the "Language" drop-down list.
You must rename the file dejavusans.ttf_disabled to instead be
dejavusans.ttf if you want to use the Truetype font that has support
for non-latin character sets. You might see a lot of question marks (?)
if you don't do this and try to keep using the built-in bitmapped font.

Q: Some windows like "Difficulty Settings" and "Configure Patches" are too
big for the Wiz screen, how do I use them?
A: You can hold the Control key after touching the cursor anywhere on the
menu's surface. You can then drag it in the directions you need to be
visible, just like dragging on a window's titlebar, but this will
work even when you can't see any titlebar!

Q: Creating a large map like 2048x2048 crashes the game.
A: Large maps increase RAM usage exponentially, and the Wiz simply can't
handle too large a map because it only has 32MB available to most
programs. 512x512 is a more reasonable maximum size.

Q: Can I tell you how to improve TTDWiz?
A: Yes please do! Join the forums. Contact Senor Quack or
Zodttd on #gp2xdev in EFnet IRC. Senor Quack will be on a long
hiking trip thru-hiking the American Pacific Crest Trail and will
be unable to contribute updates until October 2010.

Q: I'd like to donate.
A: Send a donation of any amount to the following emails:
Senor Quack:

Note: Senor Quack may not respond with a thank you note for up to a
month until he is back from his thru-hike in October 2010.

Thanks for playing!


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Senor Quack, thank you for this port. I would buy Wiz just for this game! Hip Hip Hooray for Senor Quack!
ledow said:
Cool, any chance of a GP2X port of the same?

Normally I would, but I am at a friend's house near San Diego and I don't have a GP2X with me to test on, nor do I have the time.. Will be on the trail for half a year starting Sunday :) I will upload the source here in a few hours so you can compile your own version if you like.
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forces/before said:
Thanks A LOT!!!!!
I've been waiting for this for a long time, but i have to say, it was worth of it!!!

Hey glad you like it. If you want to use the Czech language, you probably need to rename the dejavu_sans.ttf_disabled file to be dejavusans.ttf instead if you get a lot of question marks in place of characters.
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Senor Quack said:
Hey glad you like it. If you want to use the Czech language, you probably need to rename the dejavu_sans.ttf_disabled file to be dejavusans.ttf instead if you get a lot of question marks in place of characters.
Thanks for the hint, with normal font i really get a lot of question marks, that helped, now i can enjoy TTD in my native language...
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Artax said:
youtube video

Thanks for posting videos of the gameplay for this and rRootage.

Glad everyone is enjoying the port :)
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I wish we could also get Roller Coaster Tycoon, as it seems to be very similar to TTD. But it hasn't been given an open source release like TTD. Oh well...
Sorry to double post.

Am I doing something wrong? I'm putting the required files in and it's still refusing to work. Do the GRF files need to be a certain name? Or what?
Animan said:
Sorry to double post.

Am I doing something wrong? I'm putting the required files in and it's still refusing to work. Do the GRF files need to be a certain name? Or what?
Make sure you're using the .grf files from the Transport Tycoon DELUXE version.
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Animan said:
I wish we could also get Roller Coaster Tycoon, as it seems to be very similar to TTD. But it hasn't been given an open source release like TTD. Oh well...
TTDwiz seems to be a OpenTTD port to me.. OpenRCT doesn't exist, so the chances of an RCT game for the Wiz are not really high.. This is a port of a very old version of openttd by the way..
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Artax said:
Animan said:
Sorry to double post.

Am I doing something wrong? I'm putting the required files in and it's still refusing to work. Do the GRF files need to be a certain name? Or what?
Make sure you're using the .grf files from the Transport Tycoon DELUXE version.

I did.
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Animan said:
Artax said:
Animan said:
Sorry to double post.

Am I doing something wrong? I'm putting the required files in and it's still refusing to work. Do the GRF files need to be a certain name? Or what?
Make sure you're using the .grf files from the Transport Tycoon DELUXE version.

I did.
The normal files should do the trick.. Don't forget They must be named in the original names:, trg1r.grf, trgcr.grf, trghr.grf, trgir.grf and trgtr.grf . The grf files may be with a w.grf in the end instead of .grf. That means you have found the 32 bit graphics.. No worries, they should work as well.
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nanov said:
Animan said:
Artax said:
Animan said:
Sorry to double post.

Am I doing something wrong? I'm putting the required files in and it's still refusing to work. Do the GRF files need to be a certain name? Or what?
Make sure you're using the .grf files from the Transport Tycoon DELUXE version.

I did.
The normal files should do the trick.. Don't forget They must be named in the original names:, trg1r.grf, trgcr.grf, trghr.grf, trgir.grf and trgtr.grf . The grf files may be with a w.grf in the end instead of .grf. That means you have found the 32 bit graphics.. No worries, they should work as well.

OK, got them to work.

I really enjoy the game, but I wish you could control the cursor with the D-Pad, because using the touch screen for long sessions leaves me with a sore arm. Could the next version allow you to use the D-Pad? Thanks.

Besides that, great port. Plays just like it does on my PC.
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Does this port of TTD work with the free alternatives OpenGFX (graphics), OpenSFX (sound) and OpenMSX (music) or do you need the original files from the CD?
fettouhi said:
Does this port of TTD work with the free alternatives OpenGFX (graphics), OpenSFX (sound) and OpenMSX (music) or do you need the original files from the CD?

It is intended to work with the original files and I doubt you'd have much luck doing otherwise. I haven't tried it, though.
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