Zodttd: Finishing Openttd Port Up


Solving your premature emulation since the Tapwave
Dec 2, 2005
Hi everyone,

I decided to seperate this into it's own thread instead of putting it at the bottom of the very long GBA thread...

I'm putting some finishing touches on my OpenTTD ports, including the GP2X version. Things I have done:
- Updated to OpenTTD RC3
- Sound effects work (and the possibility of MIDI support might allow music)
- Faster performance
- Scaled mode / Zoom mode.
Scaled mode scales down the 640x480 screen to 320x240. Text is hard to read though...
So Zoom mode retains the 640x480 screen and allows for a nicely done scrolling viewport without scaling.
Use scaled mode to move around windows and get a large scale view of the game. Then use the zoom mode to read text, etc.
- Right click support.
- Movement of cursor as well as zoomed mode viewport scrolling.
- No changes made to OpenTTD's GUI/gameplay.
- Much more stable than my previous release.

Things I'm deciding is whether there's a nice MIDI playback library for the GP2X. Anyone know of one/have a favorite? If so I can get music playback. :)
Is there certain features I haven't listed that are important to this upcoming release? If so let me know and I will see what I can do. Keep in mind many changes have been made to the OpenTTD engine in RC3 (the latest release of OpenTTD). I'm hoping NewGRF's work in this release. They should but I haven't tested them.

Also, anyone with PocketPC's or SmartPhone's running WinCE interested in PPC TTD? If you have a VGA PPC, running it at 640x480 will be very fun!

This is a definite release and just looking for some features and such before releasing.
Thanks in advance for some early feedback. I hope someone will enjoy the release, even with it's quirky controls. ;P
Ask woogal about timidity, he used it in Duke3D. I think he somehow got it to work with sdl_mixer.

I once tried to do interlacing on the gp2x, that is taking a 640x480 surface and splitting it into four fields, then displaying them, like a tv does except for across the x and y axis. The performance sucked, although you might be able to make something of the idea. Hooray for 1930's era technology.
Oh, true...I could use Timidity! I used it on the PocketPC ports early on. Thanks! :)

Getting it working within sdl_mixer is convienent though, so hopefully sdl_mixer with timidity is publically available.
I played Transport Tycoon the first time over 11 Years ago and I still like this Game. I think I know enough about the game to have real fun with it. ^^

I will try the new OpenTTD-Version for GP2X of course but I remember the old one and the controlls there really scared me. :lol: I remember it has taken ages to build something. I hope, in the Future there will be a way to play OTTD on GP2X nearly as on PC. Which means building on big Maps and many Tracks with over 100 Trains and everything easy to create without fighting with the small screen. ^^

Oh, I don't use music in TTD. Do people really play with this Game-music? :lol:

By the Way, Is this RC3 with PBS? I wonder why in the new Versions no more Path-based-Signaling is found. My fav. (subsidiaries) Savegame with 200 Trains is now nearly useless without PBS (but somehow funny without the Subsi-patch XD )
I love TTD so I appreciate this very much! :)
I hope you'll port it to the OpenMoko, too, when I get one. 640*480 touchscreen Linux smartphone ftw! :wub:
For now I'll continue playing it on my Zodiac but I'll certainly take another look at the improved GP2X version...
I'm not sure of the status of PBS in RC3...I'll check www.openttd.org soon to see. It might be in Game Patches as an option.
An Idea: the GP2X has no Touchscreen or Mouse but he has many Buttons. Maybe the OpenTTD-Port could use them for Menu-Option-Hotkeys. So not everything has to be selected with the (Stick)-Cursor. Could save much Time I think. ^^ For Example: one Button brings up the Menu (or shows an hided menu-bar or jumps to the Menu) and with the Shoulder-Buttons you can "drive" through the various Menu-Options/ Windows. I'm sure, on the GP2X it would have advantages with an alternative Control.
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Oh, true...I could use Timidity! I used it on the PocketPC ports early on. Thanks! :)

Getting it working within sdl_mixer is convienent though, so hopefully sdl_mixer with timidity is publically available.

If so, make sure you use the same directory stucture as Doom and Duke3d to ensure that we don't need two copies of the massive file.

I'm also looking forwards to a VGA WM5 PPC version. :)
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