Trouble with buying


Still Fresh
Aug 8, 2011
I'd like to buy Pandora. To go to the list with some stuff and Pandora itself, was my first option. But i didn't find the Russia on country list. How can i buy Pandora?

shoot them an email, tell them your location and stuff, response has been known to take 2-3-50 days, so give it at least 5 days for a response
Since this has been answered, I hope you don't mind a topic-move over to Pandora General Talk. ;)

EDIT: Ninja'd by SONY. Support it is. Over to you. :p
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SONY well now i at least know, i am not alone, and in Canada situation isn't better. Not so useful, but i found another stupid Russian jokes, and this ones is as funny as never.
I laugh so hard about how Prometheus is ninja'd 50% of the time she posts.

But as for the topic, I had the same issue with shipping to Australia. Craig fixed it up in a few days, so hopefully you'll be just as lucky.
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moz you lucky bastard. Also i heard that in Russia about three Pandoras was shipped. Also i know many-many-many people whose would like to buy it (but of course all of them thinking it's overpriced PSP).
try sending from another email address if possible, or try, or if youd rather order from germany than from UK, shoot email here
DaMummy thanks for helping. I'll probably wait for more two days and if there won't be any respond, i will try this:
^ You may not get better results from that e-mail address, unfortunately. Things may have changed since, but the last I heard of it, e-mails sent to that address get sent to the same box as the Gmail address mentioned earlier in the thread.
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Prometheus, i met the guy with the Pandora today. He really likes it, and told me he get it from here: Maybe he bought it in 2010, i didn't ask a lot questions about how he get it. But now, i know only one thing: i definitely want Pandora.