Top Ten Things To Do While Waiting For Your Gp2x

1) Wait a year and get an incomparably better system than the Xbox360 (PS3 or Revolution).
2) Laugh at those with Xbox360s.


Once upon a time I ran a multi-platform gaming site, it changed my philosphy on games consoles. I now buy them all without prejudice. No matter the console there's always a reason to get them all if you can afford to.

Here's an example:

PS2 - Final Fantasy/Dynasty Warriors, good all round console with a huge selection of games, although many of them are pretty crappy/samey

Gamecube - Do I even have to give a reason? Come on, some of the biggest and best franchises live here! Zelda, Mario, Metroid and not forgetting Pikmin.

XBox - Hard drive is a godsend, no bloody memory cards to piss about with and ultra fast loading times in games. Also worth getting for Halo 2 (co-operative offline) although it isn't the groundbreaking game people make it out to be, and worth getting just for better graphics in cross-platform titles like Warrior Within, oh and Fable. Oh and the XBox stands vertically and runs fine in my cupboard next to the vertical PS2.
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WoD said:
Oh and the XBox stands vertically and runs fine in my cupboard next to the vertical PS2.

You do realize you're reducing your laser's lifetime by 50% by doing that, don't you?

You're absolutely right on your other points. The only reason to restrict yourself to one gaming system is financial pressure. That's why I usually wait for a year or more after a system's release to purchase it (often second hand) -- that way I can afford all three for the same cost as one launch system, and by then better games have been released.
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1) Wait a year and get an incomparably better system than the Xbox360 (PS3 or Revolution).
2) Laugh at those with Xbox360s.


Once upon a time I ran a multi-platform gaming site, it changed my philosphy on games consoles. I now buy them all without prejudice. No matter the console there's always a reason to get them all if you can afford to.
Stop right there. I don't have the money to do so -- ergo, I don't buy the one with the least potential, support, and features.
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You're absolutely right on your other points. The only reason to restrict yourself to one gaming system is financial pressure. That's why I usually wait for a year or more after a system's release to purchase it (often second hand) -- that way I can afford all three for the same cost as one launch system, and by then better games have been released.
Physical space and the number of cables the girlfriend will allow behind the TV is the only thing that is stopping me from expanding beyond the PS2, oh and money that I wil end up spending on second hand games.
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1) Wait a year and get an incomparably better system than the Xbox360 (PS3 or Revolution).
2) Laugh at those with Xbox360s.


Once upon a time I ran a multi-platform gaming site, it changed my philosphy on games consoles. I now buy them all without prejudice. No matter the console there's always a reason to get them all if you can afford to.
Stop right there. I don't have the money to do so -- ergo, I don't buy the one with the least potential, support, and features.

You consider the revolution to be incomparably better than the X360? It is already known that it will have the weakest hardware of the three. It just has the controller gimmick.
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DaveC said:
You consider the revolution to be incomparably better than the X360? It is already known that it will have the weakest hardware of the three. It just has the controller gimmick.

That's the most narrow-minded thing I've heard in a while.
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1) Wait a year and get an incomparably better system than the Xbox360 (PS3 or Revolution).
2) Laugh at those with Xbox360s.


Once upon a time I ran a multi-platform gaming site, it changed my philosphy on games consoles. I now buy them all without prejudice. No matter the console there's always a reason to get them all if you can afford to.
Stop right there. I don't have the money to do so -- ergo, I don't buy the one with the least potential, support, and features.
You consider the revolution to be incomparably better than the X360? It is already known that it will have the weakest hardware of the three. It just has the controller gimmick.
Note I said potential, support, and features, not zomg 1,000,000 bogoflops per lightyear. Hardware lies mostly under potential. I care much more about the library of games that comes with a Nintendo or Sony product (i.e, the exclusive titles) than those that the Xbox-360 is offering so far. Further than that, each of the systems will have roughly the same level of graphics, which don't matter entirely too much to me in the first place.

What's more, this is all subjective, so I could just be out of my mind along with everyone else ;) :D
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1) Wait a year and get an incomparably better system than the Xbox360 (PS3 or Revolution).
2) Laugh at those with Xbox360s.


Once upon a time I ran a multi-platform gaming site, it changed my philosphy on games consoles. I now buy them all without prejudice. No matter the console there's always a reason to get them all if you can afford to.

Here's an example:

PS2 - Final Fantasy/Dynasty Warriors, good all round console with a huge selection of games, although many of them are pretty crappy/samey

Gamecube - Do I even have to give a reason? Come on, some of the biggest and best franchises live here! Zelda, Mario, Metroid and not forgetting Pikmin.

XBox - Hard drive is a godsend, no bloody memory cards to piss about with and ultra fast loading times in games. Also worth getting for Halo 2 (co-operative offline) although it isn't the groundbreaking game people make it out to be, and worth getting just for better graphics in cross-platform titles like Warrior Within, oh and Fable. Oh and the XBox stands vertically and runs fine in my cupboard next to the vertical PS2.

Bottom line: it's all about the games.
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