Top Games Of E3 According To Gi Magazine


It Is Your Birthday.
Aug 31, 2005
The top 50 games of E3 according to GI Magazine. The ones in red text are the ones that I am planning on getting or am extremely interested in learning more about.

1. Gears of war
2. Spore
3. Mass Effect
4. Super Mario Galaxy
5. MGS4: Guns of the Patriots
6. Halo 3
7. Assassin's Creed
8. BioShock
9. Crysis
10. Supreme Commander
11. God of War II
12. WoW: The Burning Crusade
13. Zelda: Twilight Princess
14. Super Smash Bros: Brawl
15. Final Fantasy Versus XIII
16. Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
17. Enemy territories: Quake Wars
18. Heavenly Sword
19. Guitar Hero II
20. Hellgate: London
21. John Woo presents Stranglehold
22. Unreal Tournament 2007
23. Final Fantasy XIII
24. Prey
25. Lost Planet: Extreme Condition
26. Darl Messiah of Might and Magic
27. Resistance: Fall of Man
28. Super Paper Mario
29. Army of Two
30. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
31. Frontlines: Fuel of War
32. Rainbow 6: Vegas
33. Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway
34. Warhawk
35. Red Steel
36. Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
37. Turok
38. F.E.A.R
39. Crackdown
40. Splinter Cell Double Agent
41. Naughty Dog Project (working title)
42. Saint's Row
43. MGS: Portable Ops (a real MGS title woot!)
44. Tony Hawk Project 8
45. The Club
46. Company of heros
47. Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
48. Just Cause
49. Indiana Jones
50. Alone in the Dark

In addition, later this year nintendo has voiced that they will be releasing Yoshi's Island 2. Looks good.

When the ps3 and wii hit, this is gonna be one hell of a time for gamers, ill tell ya what B)
It's MGS: Guns of the Patriots, not MTG ;)

Yeah, some of the PS3 games look amazing, but I can't afford that thing...
Hell, I bought my ps2 for FFX only (and later discovered some nice things like DMC, MGS, ...) but this. :(
Perhaps over time, I crave for MSG4 and FFXIII.