Gpsp2x Emulator Problems...


Still Fresh
Apr 28, 2007
i'm getting stressed out.

i downloaded the above emulator. sounded cool.............
can't get anything to run on it....... at all........
heres the games i wanna try working on it........

Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories
Klonoa 2 - Dream Champ Tournament
Klonoa - Empire of Dreams
Mario Golf - Advance Tour
Mario Kart - Super Circuit
Namco Museum - 50th Anniversary
Pokemon - Fire Red
Pokemon - Leaf Green
Pokemon Ruby
Sonic Advance 2
Sonic Advance 3
Sonic Advance
Super Dodgeball Advance
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
Who wants to be a Millionaire
Yu-Gi-Oh! - 7 Trials to Glory - World Championship Tournament 2005
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Destiny Board Traveler
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Dungeon Dice Monsters
Yu-Gi-Oh! - the Sacred Cards
Yu-Gi-Oh! - World Championship 2004
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX - Duel Academy
Yu-Gi-Oh! Reshef of Destruction
Yu-Gi-Oh! the Eternal Duelist Soul
Zelda - a Link to the Past
Zelda - the Minish Cap

what are the best cpu/other settings that i need to use? i'm on version 3 of the firmware....... i keep trying all kinds of different things (e.g. changing the filenames from .ZIP to .zip reducing filename sizes etcetc.) all to know avail. the screen goes dark upon loading and then freezes. when i reduced the cpu clock in the settings to 190mhz and ran Kingdom Hearts it loaded up to the title screen then froze again!!

for CORNS sake! what the hell am i doing wrong?!?!? not even the preloaded bust a move game works!!!!!

i suffer from similar problems on ALL the emulators i run on my gp2x... (drPocketsnes, drMD, cps2x etcetcetc) is it me? is it the sd card? i'm losing my mind..............!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help!!! :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
If you suffer from similar problems for so many other emulators, it would be a grand idea to begin reading the included readme files. I never tried Gpsp2x myself, but I'm positive you need a BIOS file to get it to run.
Try one game, unzipped. The emulator supports zipped, but you may have something odd with your zips.
make a folder on your SD with all the roms unzipped inside of it
you want to OVERclock your gp2x not underclock it try running it at 250
also youll need the gba bios (google it)

i couldnt get sonic advance 1 2 or 3 to work on gbsp2xa
mario cart super circuit seems to run better with the japanease version
Zelda - The minish cap works with version Gpsp09-2Xb

(with crashes from time to time, but I still get those in just about every game)

However, if you get 90% trough the game, at the dark castle, F2 I think. I get a crash, always.
appreciate your help on all this.......
my current situation : -

emulator version: gpsp09
games unzipped.
cpu clock: 250
daemon function: off
always run under default (aka fresh install on the card)

i got who wants to be a millionaire to run. so i'm happy it isn't the hardware. just my stoopidness. :-)

its a puzzling affair no?
steveyrocksdude said:
appreciate your help on all this.......
my current situation : -

emulator version: gpsp09
games unzipped.
cpu clock: 250
daemon function: off
always run under default (aka fresh install on the card)

i got who wants to be a millionaire to run. so i'm happy it isn't the hardware. just my stoopidness. :-)

its a puzzling affair no?
I use this emulator without overclocking. It works fine most of lightweighted games. Your situation looks like a corrupt or wrong bios file. How to find the correct bios? Search the forum... B)
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cheers man...
well i got in touch with a colleague. a gp2x fan... anywho i got him to knock up his working emu's on my sd card. a nice selection... nearly 2gb's worth!

i tried the drmd emu and it said "extracting mmu, please wait" or something like that. 10mins of waiting. no joy..... FROZEN!!

so i tried to gngeo emu. got to the menu screen... used the command line to boot a game with larger clock speeds (233, 266 mhz etcetc.) so you choose a game and it goes black then............ FROZEN!!!
tried it with default settings on a variety of neogeo titles....... FROZEN! FROZEN FROZEN FROZEN!

there is a cpu clock setting on 200 above the command line. how do i change that....? i tried pressing SELECT..... screen went black.........FROZEN!

this pattern is becoming all too frequent with the emus. you dudes have been legends with your advice. and for this reason i feel like i'm being cheated or worse still i'm just stoopid.... or even worse still. the hardware is in disrepair... i'm on version 3 firmware and as i've illustrated briefly in another post i feel like that maybe a factor in this............. i've formatted my 4gb sd into fat32 using a usb sd card reader? is it my card reader?

if anyone with a patient attitude towards noobs can offer some fresh advice i'll happily take it. i'm quite technically minded which further frustrates and i never suffer with this on my PSP homebrew.

i really want to like the gp2x but so far its really just frustrating me to pieces............... i appreciate emu's are never always perfect but they aren't even working!!!!!! I finally managed to get the cps2 emu working last night which gives me hope.

you guys are all legends and for that reason i feel humbled to ask such a nooby thing.

a desperate gamer awaits your responses............ cheers.
Get the DrMD from the archives, Reesy released a new version to fix the patching issue.

Use Rage2x as a launcher for GnGeo, it has a very nice interface, no need to mess around with command lines for each game.

Some emulators are easier to get running than others. I'd say that MAME, NeoGeo, and CPS2 are the toughest. You should have absolutely no problems with the likes of DrMD, Picodrive, DrPocketSNES, or Vice2x.

Also, make sure you give some native GP2X games a try as well, you'll find a lot of good stuff there too :)
cheers alex...
rage2x is my next port of call then.... first things first though. i'm starving!!

i had MAME flying away no worries. in fact i was well proud of myself when that kicked off and worked perfect.

has anyone else suffered with version 3 firmware running gngeo??????????

yeah the native gp2x is well tasty but for me its a mute point as its basically designed to run on the system.

to summarise my point. are any of the following a factor...........?
1) version 3 firmware
2) 4gb sd cards
3) type of batteries
4) format card type (fat32 etc)

now i'm off to eat. my girlfriend is getting annoyed! i'm sure the GP2X will rock! cheers alex mate!
just a really quick message to say thanks for all the advice and everything. cheers to alex as i've now got some classy homebrew titles too. its really quite something.... emu's are all working just got to get reesy's latest. my girlfriend also offers her kindest thanks for being able to see my smile again. (games are my world. can't help it. just my special hobby)

again thanks for your understanding guys. i'm another step closer to homebrew heaven!