Tom Cruise Is A Twat.

mr twit

A can of spam!
Aug 25, 2003

Tom Cruise is considering sueing the comedian who squirted him with a little bit of water. What a total nobjockey. I can't even believe that the guy got charged with assault. Does that mean that anyone who squirts me with water can be charged with assault? Or is it just big stars like Tom Cruise? What about if water gets spilt on me on a plane, or in a restaurant? Can I report it to police and get them charged? And would the police just laugh at me and say its only water or would they take it seriously? Or do they only take it seriously if you have too much of an ego to laugh it off?
I hope he does sue him though, because I want to see Tom take the stand in court and break down crying. "My hair got all wet (sobs)... I couldn't comb it down for the rest of the day... it was horrible"
This is what happens when a society embraces celebrity worship, you give the rich and the whiny too much weight to throw around.

Now for a mutated chappelle quote. "Eff your hair, buy some more you rich bastard"
we in england have a problem with happy slapping

this sort of thing is totally immature and lacking in any sort of comedy

rightly so these mindless twats have been told where to go
If it was happy slapping I would understand, that's harmful assault, but splashing him with a little bit of water (and it is little, its like half a glass at most)? He'll probably bankrupt the guy and his seven children will starve.
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Apparently Sharon Osbourne (who was recently squirted by the same person) is advising Tom Cruise to take legal action against the 'squirter'.

To be honest, it was a stupid thing to do! Why shouldn't he be angry? I would be if I was in his position (well, if I was Mr Cruise, I'd still be shagging Ms Kidman!!!).#

Why should he laugh and say " Hey! what a funny joke! How did you think that by splashing my with a water pistol while pretending to seriously interview COULDN'T be anything other than Hysterical! Here, let me prove what a funny guy I am, by buying you all a drink!"

So yes, he should sue. I reckon you yourself, Mr Twit, would also fail to see the funny side.

They could have done something funny. Jarvis Cocker taking the piss out of Michael Jackson, Dom Jolly interviewing Ken Livingstone etc. .These were funny. But this was just NOT funny.

Being 'wacky' aint funny anymore.
Must admit with lubidog. Although we all know it was water, you wouldn't know that at the time - it could have been anything (lots of substances can look like water, but can make you seriously ill), so he's every right to sue simply on the basis that what they did with simply stupid and immature.
I agree that it wasn't funny and I wouldn't see the funny side of it, and the program is going to be shit, but still, sueing someone for getting you a bit wet? It sounds like a four year-old abusing the legal system. You hear all these stories about people getting sued for bouncing basketballs too loudly in America and stuff, but you presume they're exaggerations for a joke, surely no one would waste their time and effort to sue someone over something this petty?
To be honest, it was a stupid thing to do! Why shouldn't he be angry? I would be if I was in his position (well, if I was Mr Cruise, I'd still be shagging Ms Kidman!!!).#

Why should he laugh and say " Hey! what a funny joke! How did you think that by splashing my with a water pistol while pretending to seriously interview COULDN'T be anything other than Hysterical! Here, let me prove what a funny guy I am, by buying you all a drink!"

So yes, he should sue. I reckon you yourself, Mr Twit, would also fail to see the funny side.

They could have done something funny. Jarvis Cocker taking the piss out of Michael Jackson, Dom Jolly interviewing Ken Livingstone etc. .These were funny. But this was just NOT funny.

Being 'wacky' aint funny anymore.

I Completely agree he has every right to be pissed off.

but i do think suing is a bit harsh.
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Why don't the english cricket team sue each other for spray chanpange over each other, they could have been blinded <_<
What about if water gets spilt on me on a plane, or in a restaurant? Can I report it to police and get them charged?

Why don't the english cricket team sue each other for spray chanpange over each other, they could have been blinded <_<

Well you're living up your name Mr Twit. Spraying someone intentionally and accidentally spilling something on you are two totally different things. An Apeiron, I think the English cricket team would have been OK with squirting each other.

Sure, maybe sueing the guy is going a bit too far, but I can understand him being pissed off and charging the guy at least.
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The police should charge the offender - not Tom Cruise. The cleverest thing TC could have done is laughed it off, but at the end of the day it was an assult, and the authorities should bring the action against him.

Unless the offender earns quite a lot of money, in which case he should have been fined £200,000. Just ask Lee Bowyer...
The police should charge the offender - not Tom Cruise. The cleverest thing TC could have done is laughed it off, but at the end of the day it was an assult, and the authorities should bring the action against him.

Unless the offender earns quite a lot of money, in which case he should have been fined £200,000. Just ask Lee Bowyer...
Sure technically it's an 'assult' but really it was just a juvinile prank that a channel 4 production team was playing for a show. If he sues them or something it'll prove furthur that Cruise is totally batshit.
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