Tokyo Game Show


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Jan 29, 2004
Scotland, UK
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well its nearly 4am here in britain and latest news from the nintendo press conference at TGS is that Iwata has unveiled the Revolutions controller. No pics as of yet but they should be up in a few mins according to ign.

edit: there is the first info on it. pics coming soon according to it

edit edit: there is the first hands on of the controller long ith how it works
hell yeh. From the sounds of it the Metroid Prime 2 demo they played at the end with the rev controller sounds wicked. cant wait to see some actual games for it and how they play
All I have to say about the revolution controller is..........


That is all :lol:

PS. And we made fun of the boomerang B)
iignotus posted on Sep 15 2005 at 11:54 PM said:
I think the controller has potential... it's very strange and may very well suck, but Nintendo's not stupid.
Exactly.. at least as far as controllers go. :P

I'm assuming there will be many attachments for the bottom port. I guess dual analog sticks it out of the question though...

I just don't know how this could help Nintendo woo 3rd parties.. we shall see.

EDIT: It has tilt sensitivity and "3D pointing." <-- There it is; I'm sold. :D :D
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I don't like it. It's a freaking power glove, I mean seriously I like the DS but even I think this is Gimicky. Too much risk of control loss, that A button is effectivly useless unless you're playing the with the "NES" style 90 degree turn.
Well I guess since my other thread is now the "official" Nintendo controller thread I'll mention that they started showing the TGS trailer for MGS4 on PS3. you can right-click>save from this link

Hopefully this is running off an actual hardware setup of the PS3 and not another approximated mock up like the Killzone footage because this looks even BETTER in my opinion.

Official site where the trailer will be up in a day or so in a more clear format than this video camera deal.

More pics at
The man's been slowly aging for a while. if it's really as far in the future as this suggests then I can understand if he's a bit gray..... of course Kojima says Raiden's back so maybe they butched him up a bit and he's the new "snake" again in more than just name... concidering the genetic buisness they occasionally mention it's not too wild a stretch.