Looking for GP32 Games to Buy/Trade...


Nov 30, 2003
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Hi. I am looking to buy/trade for GP32 COMMERCIAL games. I dont have any and I do not want to buy from a korean site. I live in the US so its kind of a hassle. if anyone has ANY gp32 game they would like to sell or trade (I have plenty of things to trade), let me know because I am very interested
a trade would not be possible. The zpk is encrypted a specific GP32. It only works on the gp32 of the person who baught the game.
Hey! No WAREZ here, okay?
We won't encrypt or decrypt ANY ZPK-files.

He wants to trade / buy ORIGINAL GAMES ON ORIGINAL SMCs, so this is legal.
Good to know you understand.
Warez harm our little GP32 and can also get this site into serious trouble.

Just follow the rules, never even think about warez when you're here and you'll have fun with the community :)
Here is a complete list of games I have to trade for GP32 commercial Games:


-Dead or Alive 3
-Shenmue II
-Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the ring
-Blinx the time sweeper
-Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
-Sega Soccer Slam
-Alter Echo
-Sega GT 2002
-Jet Set Radio Future

Playstation 2:
-Tony Hawk pro skater 3
-Summer Jampak
-Simpson Road Rage
-Parappa the Rapper 2
-Lord of the rings two towers
-007 Agent under fire
-Ratchet and Clank
-Mister Misquito
-Dark Cloud
-Sly Cooper
-Kingdom Hearts
-Final Fantasy X
-Final Fantasy X-2
-Silent Hill 3
-Winter Jampack
-Dragonball Z Budokai
-Men in Black II: Alien Escape

-Freeloader Mod-disc
-Gameboy player
-Legend of Zelda Wind Waker
-Legend of Zelda Ocarina & Master Quest
-Legends of Wrestling
-Super Smash Bros Melee
-Super Monkey Ball 2
-StarFox Adventures
-Animal Crossing

Gameboy Advance:
-Phantasy Star Colllection
-Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World
-Pokemon Sapphire
-Broken Sword/Circle of Blood
-Minority Report
-Final Fantasy Tactics
-Legacy of Goku
-Spyro: Season of Ice
-Wario Land 4
-Golden Sun
-Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring

-The Legend of Zelda
-The Legend of Zelda 2: Adventures of Link
-TMNT: The Arcade Game
-Super Mario Bros
-Duck Hunt
-Super Mario Bros 2
-Super Mario Bros 3
-Solomons Key
-Terminator 2: Judgement Day
-Dragon Warrior
-Kirby's Adventure
-The Secret Scroll: Flying Dragon
-Hogans Alley
-The Simpsons: Bart Vs the World
-Maniac Mansion
-Milon's Secret Castle
-Monster Party
-Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
-Shadow Gate
-Blaster Master
-Bad Dudes
-Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
-Golgo 13
-The Karate Kid
-Mike Tyson's Punch Out!
-Vice: Project Doom
-Rescue the Embassy
-Ikari Warriors 2: Victory Road
-Game Genie

Super Nintendo:
-Donky Kong Country
-Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
-Super Godzilla
-Kirby's Avalanche
-Zombies ate my neighbors
-Super Empire Strikes Back
-Earth Worm Jim 2
-Super Star Wars
-Batman Forever
-The Jungle Book
-Super Mario World
-Super Mario All-stars
-Mortal Kombat 3
-Jurassic Park
-The Lion King
-Mario Paint w/mouse and pad
-Game Genie

-Final Fantasy VII
-Final Fantasy IX
-Board Game Top Shop
-Speed Racer
-HBO Boxing
-WWF Warzone
-Breath of Fire 4
-Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2

Sega Saturn:
-Virtua Fighter 2
-Nascar 95'

PC Games:
-Everquest + 30 Days Free NEW sealed in Package
-The Sims Unleashed (2-Disc Game)
-The Sims
-The Ultimate Doom
-Star Wars Chess
-1602 A.D.
-Disney's Atlantis
-Black and White
-Star Craft
-Dues Ex
-Grand Theft Auto
-Grand Theft Auto 2
-Grand Theft Auto 3
-Rainbow Six
-Rainbow Six: Eagle Watch
-Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2 (2-Disc Game)
-Riven (6-Disc Game)
-Tiberian Sun (2-Disc Game)
-Sim Safari
-Ultimate Rides
-Monopoly Junior
-Emergency Room
-Streets of Simcity
-Sim Copter
-Circle of Blood (2-Disc Game)
-Sim Farm
-The Incredible Machine
-You Dont Know Jack Volume 3
-Puzzle Bobble
-Sim City
-Who Wants to be a Millionaire
-Who Wants to be a Millionaire Junior
-Big Game Hunt 3 (2-Disc Game)
-Lawnmower Man
-The Amazing Sea Monkeys
-Toon Struck (2-Disc Game)
-The Sims (Chinese Version)
-Microsoft Flight Simulator: Hong Kong
-Totally MAD (7-Disc CD-ROM MAD Magazine Collection)
-Game Profiler
-RPG Maker 2003
-Game Maker
-Sierra's School House
-Half-Life: Blue Shift
-Half-Life: Oppossing Force
-Emergency Room 2
-Disney's Goofy Pro Skater
-The Sims Add-on Pack
-Sound Morpher
-3D Body Adventure
-Delta Force
-Family 6 Pac
-Emulator and Rom Pack (600 NES games, 300 SNES games, 500 atari Games, and more)
-Activision Atari 2600 Collection
-Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (2-Disc Game)
-Terminator Future Shock
-Trip-On-This Disc
-Everquest: The Ruins of Kunark + EQ Classic and 1 Month Free NEW sealed
-Creatures 2
-Toy Story 2
-Toy Story
-Guy Spy

-LoZ: Link's Awakening
-Metroid 2

Gameboy Color:
-Buzz Lightyear
-Pokemon Silver
-Metal Gear Solid
-Mario Bros Deluxe

-Terminator 2 the Arcade Game
-Revenge of Drancon
-Sonic 2
-Sonic Chaos
-Ren and Stimpy
-All-star Baseball
-Star Wars

Sega Genesis:
-Six Pack
-Road Runner
-Chester Cheetoe Game???
-Sonic the Hedgehog
-MC Kids

-XG Flash GBA Flash Linker and 128MB cart.