Timelapse Photography with Pandora ?


Hardcore Member
May 7, 2012
神戸市、日本 (Japan)
Just wondering if this kind of thing is possible by plugging a USB camera in the Pandora, and letting it take snapshots every minute (or less). 

Has anyone tried it ? 

What instructions would one use to access the USB webcam OR camera data?

One step further, could the Pandora be used to control Camera settings before taking each picture ? 
I think this is easily possible. Have a look at the vlc pnd and some online documentation.

Alternatively you could use something like jmpgstreamer (don't know if this is the right spelling).
Moved to General talk.. figured it would get better attention.
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I used to play with this kind of setup a few years ago on my computeur, with 2 differents webcam and a Nikon D70 camera.

I think the easyest way to make this works on pandora is to use a full dist like Debian or Slackware, softwares will be already packaged.

If your webcam is video4linux compatible it should be easily setup. I think the module is already in the kernel.

For driving a Camera, PTP module is needed, but i don't know if it's in our kernel.
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Many cameras have a remote trigger socket.

The pandora has GPIOs

Anyone for a bit of hardware hacking?
ED sells them, but you may need some 1337 soldering skills to actually connect anything.
Is imagemagik ported to the Pandora?

you can make a simple screenshot macro using it's commands for such a task.

I created a in-game "webcamera" using 4 lines of code. doing such a thing.
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