seing as it is playstation 1 it would be able to run smoothly BUT would you be able to use the stylus as shoot/aim. so instead of aiming a lightgun you just press the stylus on the touch screen and BANG.
seing as it is playstation 1 it would be able to run smoothly BUT would you be able to use the stylus as shoot/aim. so instead of aiming a lightgun you just press the stylus on the touch screen and BANG.
hmm interesting idea. it would probably work but be very difficult. and youd need a reloading/hiding mechanism. indoors TV out and a USB lightgun might be better though it might be fun with a USB lightgun and a wall projector! ooooh!
i never intend to use the pandora in a tv so the touch screen and stylus would be better for me. the hiding would be a shoulder button being pressed with the hand holding the console (left shoulder for right handers)
well i think it should work with a bit of control tweaking. when i said it would be difficult, i only meant to play rather than code. rapidfire could be pretty entertaining and you may have to add something that makes sure pressing the stylus on the screen doesnt just mean continuous firing (unless in machine gun mode) so that you dont waste bullets.
PC SNES emulators support the super scope or other light gun peripherals by clicking around with a mouse.
I would think it would be pretty easy to add the same function for the touch screen in a pandora emulator, but support for each light gun peripheral would have to be specifically added to the emulator by the coder.
EDIT: I am assuming the Time Crisis light gun for PSX works similarly to the SNES gun peripherals.
when i said it would be difficult, i only meant to play rather than code.
There's a DS game, touch the dead which uses the stylus as a gun - it's pretty good, and easy to use. I imagine this would be possible with a bit of fiddling.