Tile World Port (chips Challenge)


Still Fresh
Jul 17, 2006
Is any on working on porting tile world port? Tile world is an emlaition of chips challenge and allows you to play the original game once you have the chips.dat file (similar to the way aleph one works with marathon). This game if ported could also benefit from user created levels.
Linux Source and all other files here: http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/tworld/
I'd love a port for this too!! I remember the good old days of playing this on my uncle's Win95 Packard Bell machine :D
Already working on it right here. Was having a little difficulty, but I did get it running, just need to fix the input loops and stuff.
This looks pretty cool. I too remember this game from somewhere but don't ask me, I barely recall where and when I played this! Is it possible to make your own tile sets with this implementation of the engine?
Yes, the tilesets are contained in bitmap files, it's easy to make your own.
Bad news... hard drive crash (owie), no useful backup of this project on my end (which included a custom menu-type deal). Someone else can have this project if they want, otherwise I'll do it over :P