Release Pandora-Tworld: Tile World For Pandora V1.3


Certified Guru
Apr 5, 2007

Hi All,

Tile World is an emulation of the game "Chip's Challenge". "Chip's Challenge" was originally written
for the Atari Lynx by Chuck Sommerville, and was later ported to MS Windows by Microsoft (among other ports).

See for details.

Here is a port on Pandora of latest version 1.3. This package does not come with the chips.dat file
that contains the original level set. This file is copyrighted and cannot be freely distributed.


zx-81 said:

Hi All,

Tile World is an emulation of the game "Chip's Challenge". "Chip's Challenge" was originally written
for the Atari Lynx by Chuck Sommerville, and was later ported to MS Windows by Microsoft (among other ports).

See for details.

Here is a port on Pandora of latest version 1.3. This package does not come with the chips.dat file
that contains the original level set. This file is copyrighted and cannot be freely distributed.



Thank you! ^_^ I love Chip's Challenge, and Played this game a lot on my GP2X. :D

EDIT: Out of curiosity, where do I put my chips.dat?

-God Ginrai
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God Ginrai said:
Thank you! ^_^ I love Chip's Challenge, and Played this game a lot on my GP2X. :D

EDIT: Out of curiosity, where do I put my chips.dat?

-God Ginrai

In <prefix>/pandora/appdata/tworld/data
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Thanks zx-81, this is one of my all time favs. I played the hell out of it on the lynx.

Does this version have a an auto save feature, or does it use a pass word system like on the lynx? Just wondering!

jumpman said:
Thanks zx-81, this is one of my all time favs. I played the hell out of it on the lynx.

Does this version have a an auto save feature, or does it use a pass word system like on the lynx? Just wondering!


levels completed are saved automatically

For more informations on keys etc ... :
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Many thanks for this ZX-81, you sir, are a porting machine, keep 'em coming. :)

Never tried Tile World / Chip's Challenge before and after an hour of play it looks like yet another marvellous time thief for Pandora.

Got my CCLP2 level set from here.
this is awesome, Chip's challenge was my favorite game on an old Compaq i used to have, great timekiller. Is it avalible for the dingoo?

Meany105 said:
this is awesome, Chip's challenge was my favorite game on an old Compaq i used to have, great timekiller. Is it avalible for the dingoo?

I don't know, but you may use the lynx emulator to play original Chip's Challenge ?
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You again! May be you should have your own sub-forum. :P

I'm a chip's challenge virgin, and will remain so for about another two months.

Please accept my (gratitude * no.port Postings) to same me flooding the board with individual thanks. :)