Thread X

Back from town. Got some Jelapino peppers :D. Didnt bother trying to see kat. *yawns* booooooooooooooooooored, gonna get some wine soon. Fucking General Studies tommorow... boring tbqfh.
Cums all over screen


Plan for tonight:
  • 5:00: get ready
  • 5:10: Walk to town
  • 5:45: Get to courts
  • 6:30: Meet Kat and Oli and maybe Ash
  • 6:30+: Make fool of myself trying to Skate... maybe talk to Kat about things if I can get Oli to piss off
Pink: Dont try and talk to here if her Ex(maybe) is there, it will just be awkward for her, she might get pissed off with you. Dont know why im telling you this, because youve already left. Oh yeah, my Granny FINALLY sent your phone this morning :D

Spray: Was the crap ypurs or from
*looks at phone*... scary picture of woman :eek:

*Does happy ive got a phone dance*

Oh and I did talk to him.. she wanted me too :/... we tried to get along but he gets jelous when she talks to other guys :blink:
Why.. its the console of Kats boyfriend who I wanna kill. It just sat in the corner of my room. He broke my original dc.. he had a fight with it (seriously, he is a twat) so I killed his... I hope he doesent want it back lol. Anyways its dead and im happier... and now i go get some wine to top me off :)
Drunk... pissed off. Think I will ralley (sp?) my friends around to kill oli. This will be known as the great pink war. Or maybe I could just go kick the shit out of him... either way im fine.

Trying not to cry... Ive done very well at this and havent cried once... but im breaking down. Oli on the other hand cries every 10 mins. When I was talking to Kat today I knew oli was watching so when she asked me if I cried i told her real men dont cry.. I wont repeat her reply cause it makes me wanna cry :/

Anyways PARTAY.
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Wait. Did someone move Pink's life out of the spam thread? Is this where we come to talk about cat? Can I have a doughnut? Wheres my IIDX controller?
I have an idea. Go under the sink, look for some metholated spirits, and then.....

His best friend is going to help you? Score!

On a serious note, if you are thinking of doing this you do know it will mean you will NEVER be able to get Kat? Like really.

What do you say I start telling of my women troubles? No? Ok then.
Wait. Did someone move Pink's life out of the spam thread? Is this where we come to talk about cat? Can I have a doughnut? Wheres my IIDX controller?
You know what I said about misuse of the spam thread? This is phase one. Talk about Kat related stuff here since it's a pretty much constant cornerstone (lol) of conversation, and therefore you can keep track of it all without the rest of the spam thread junk. I also found that it creates a rather nice summary.

Also no post limit applies, and I believe the majority of your posts as of late usually cover this :D

Finally, Pink, if you want a topic name better than Thread X (is there anything better? :p) go ahead and post it and I'll have it changed. This is your thread now.
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