I found the gp scene about a year ago, and since then full speed nes has been achieved. A few people said that snes couldn't be done. Now it is. Gba emulation certainly couldn't be done. Now that's a possibility.
By next year at least Rlyeh will have finished all his projects as that's his target this year. And I'm expecting osnes9x to be finished. And thunderz might have finished his neo geo pocket emulator (pls pls pls
). Maybe black might add save states, a tiny boost in speed for 100% emulation with a couple of bug fixes in games like street fighter in gpengine. At least the RF version I think though could be released.
GP32iDE will be 100% complete with most coders using that as to code on.
Chatboards will have properly taken off.
Most emulators that can use it will have options to use the 32mb memory mod.
GP32 linux will be well useable with lots of programs available.
The usb port will be experimented with quite a bit.
EvilDragon will have cut his hair.
Gamepark will actually, for the 83rd time announce that the european release has been delayed for a few days.
Lots more homebrew naitive games and ports.
Well that's a small prediction