This girl is on fire


Dec 10, 2010
Southern France
I wanted to share with you the adventures (and quite certainly end of active life) of my CC Pandora.

Most of my house burned on monday Sept. 2, seemingly because of an old multiplug. No-one was present nor injured and all the losses are just furnitures, Books, electronics, well, all you'd expect to find in a living room and kitchen. Among all this, and very well-placed to attend the event, my Pandora.

It got quite some heat and is partly melted. I first thought it was fatally damaged and my attention went elsewhere (there was a lot of loss inventory to do, as you'd expect). A few hours later, I came back and noticed that the power LED was actually on. I opened it with some difficulty (as the hinge is a bit melted too) and found that it was indeed on, quietly waiting for someone to play with.

The front panel is so melted that the power and sound controls won't move again (the only way to boot it is to insert the battery), but the SDCards are still perfectly extractable (and readable). The keyboard will only have very random action (I suspect the underlying keymat was damaged) and the nubs are very hard to work with, but do work, albeit quite randomly. The screen is not sensitive anymore at all, but still displays what it should, with very pale colours and a brown corner.

Here are some pictures I took, so that you get a better idea of how it is now.








So I guess the board is still in work condition, and the battery (not melted at all, nor are any of its stickers, as they were protected by the unit itelf) is still usable. Everything else should probably be replaced. I think I'll go for a full new 1GHz replacement.

So I case you're wondering can a Pandora survive a burning house, in my case the answer is no ;)
That's impressive.

I reckon you should send it to ED as it is and get a completely new one - he could put it in a glass cabinet like so:


I do hope you don't have too much hassle with the insurance company :/
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I am very sorry for your tragedy. I do not know what else to say in that regard.

On a lighter [not cigarette] side...Your Pandora looks like something out of Gears of War ;)
That is pretty amazing!

Definitely needs to remain in a glass case from now on.

I'm sure there's a good advert for the Pandora somewhere in there...

Sorry to hear about your house though, bit of a mare by looks of things
That's impressive.

I reckon you should send it to ED as it is and get a completely new one - he could put in in a glass cabinet like so:


I do hope you don't have too much hassle with the insurance company :/
I saw a gameboy in New York that survived 9/11. Kinda cool stuff
'Nightmare' then, for you overseas lot. :)

Don't Americans use that shortened term then?
Well Binky is from down under... My 2nd Grade geography says that isn't a part of America.
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Cambridge, as in just up the A10 from where I am?

You know what I meant then :)

Australia, America, England, we all speak pretty much the same so I'm sure abbreviated words crossover a lot
By multiplug you mean power-board right?

It's pretty important to replace these when they start to rattle. Thats what I've been doing for the last few years..

Sorry about your house though I think its great to see the Pandora survived (Surprisingly the battery too) even if it looks nightmarish or if you like.. Burnt toast.
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@Binky.. so got your country wrong, I always thought you were a part of the herd of Australians. It's still not America.
@FZero - He is North of you.. I guess it's expected.

Also.. sorry about your house.. amazed how well the Pandora held up despite being burn like that..
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Looks like the Pandora was trying its best to protect ... taking all the heat whilst saving the shelves below. A hero
@ Tehel, so glad to hear nobody was hurt in the fire. Hope you didn't lose too much stuff which can't be replaced.

Pretty awesome IMHO that your Pandora is still bootable.

If I were you I'd think about sending the case in to ED for an RMA as you have a slight crack in the hinge ;)
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