Still Fresh
But the Final Fantasy games for SNES there are no sound? Too bad, It would be KILLER to play the FF games from SNES and Chrono Trigger :rolleyes:
There IS sound in the snes emulators, It just that they run slower when you enable sound.alexuz posted on Aug 23 2004 at 06:15 PM said:But the Final Fantasy games for SNES there are no sound? Too bad, It would be KILLER to play the FF games from SNES and Chrono Trigger :rolleyes:
Yup, it should. Unfortunately I can't tell you how well it runs at 180 as my max oc is 166alexuz posted on Aug 23 2004 at 01:23 PM said:but if I buy a 180mhz verson then won't it run faster even if I have sound on the SNES emulator??
Die kthxJayLettu posted on Aug 23 2004 at 03:43 AM said:> Master System - works great.
Perfect, yes, but all the master system games suck. Really.
Honnestly FF3 is fully playable with some FrameSkip (FS2) even @166Mhz ;p so I think @180Mhz it's totaly possible to get sound ;p moreover I haven't try it with the new version of Yoyo Snes emu (which is damn killing great imo ;p)alexuz posted on Aug 23 2004 at 05:23 PM said:but if I buy a 180mhz verson then won't it run faster even if I have sound on the SNES emulator??
It would be a dream to play FF3 (or is it called FF6) on the GP32!
lol ;p yeah I think it's the best way to sum it upTotoro posted on Aug 23 2004 at 07:57 PM said:Plain and simple:
Get it, I did it too :lol:
the extra button's aren't totaly "necessary", but if you got money for that & if you'll play ALOT to your GP32 for long time (think more than 1 year long) then they worth the price coz you'll be happy to get your spare buttons when the original ones start to be (abit) un-responsivealexuz posted on Aug 23 2004 at 08:06 PM said:Thanks to all you guys and the DLWD-zine #1 I'm really in to buying a GP32 now!
I'm waiting for my next paycheck and getting one GP32 180mhz from with the Chatboard and maybe the extra button's. are they necessary?
I hope I don't pay much for shipping and taxes when It arrives <_<
gaterooze posted on Aug 23 2004 at 11:43 AM said:alexuz posted on Aug 23 2004 at 11:28 AM said:What games does the PC engine play? really old PC games?
The PC Engine is a brilliant 16-bit console, similar to the Megadrive and SNES. Also known as the Turbografx 16. Read all about it here:
It has some fantastic games on it, a very impressive machine.
sinkyboy2000 posted on Aug 26 2004 at 12:06 PM said:After visiting that link I downloaded an emulator and played some Roms. It really is a good system! Some great games there.
Is the emulation for this system really good? In terms of speed, sound and compatibility?
The emulator I was using for the PC, however, required a registration fee. Does anyone know one that doesn't?
Tidus posted on Aug 26 2004 at 03:45 PM said:Yeah the GPEngine emu is really really greatin term of speed, it's always fullspeed (at less in all the games I used to play
) with sound on ;p Concerning compatibility, I think we got here near 99% coz only one of all the games I have try got some graphical bugs ... but all others are running soooo fine
the only "default" of that emu is that it don't support savestate
but maybe one day it'll be updated , at less I wish it
& GPEngine don't need any registration fee ;p
diablo2 posted on Aug 25 2004 at 12:13 AM said:jesus christ
add this to the faq
that was an unbeleivable deffinition
Do you know if there are any PC emulators that are free for the PC Engine?