Think I Just Bought A Crap Phone :(

satanic virus

Jun 2, 2007
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About a week ago I bought a phone from dealextreme while drunk. At the time it looked like the best thing ever, but now sober ... not so sure!!

I currently have an E52 and get my emails, sat nav etc working ok no problems. My main attraction towards Windows Mobile phones is that I have several hundred ebook files in .lit format. I have converted some of them to use on MobiReader on the E52, but the screen is a bit too small for everyday use.

I'm not sure if the phone I bought has 3.5G (does not look like it) and it seems to have a previous and slow version of Android as it boots from memory card. It cost $199 and shipped yesterday (i.e. i should have it in about a week).

Is it really as bad as I now think it is??!! I plan installing mobile shell 3.5.5 for WM along with Navigon maps and have no experience of Android. Some of the specs seem sweet but if it is not good for data connections on the go may have made a mistake here!
Looks pretty interesting, I dunno whether it's any good on a technical level, but it certainly doesn't look bad. I suppose it all hinges on whether you can update the version of Android on the phone, since neither WinMo nor Android Cupcake are brilliant operating systems.

Here's some vids I found:


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Windows Mobile is awesome and pwnz most of the other phone OS's, so I'd have no worries about that part of the phone. The hardware part is a bit... :blink: ... though.
I gave the spec of the screen a quick glance first and that is awful. I took a peak at the other stuff, but it was all too painful :P
Would have been better off getting a second hand HTC HD :ph34r:
Thanks for the Vids Nova - looks ok once it eventually boots up!!

Javacat - i agree the specs look a bit rubbish!! My last winmo phone was a HTC TYTN II which was a bit slow i thought. If this one sucks as a phone I'll keep it as a sat nav and ebook reader anyway with wifi for McDonald's surfing sessions!! Don't have a decent video camera but will post opinions here when it arrives.
Have phone now ... not too bad!

WoMo 6.5 working great with Navigon satnav and microsoft reader looking good. Accelerometer only seems to work in Settings and not native apps so far.

Have changed memory card to class 6 and Cupcake loads faster but is a serious pile of shite!! Don't think wifi or gps can be unlocked in Android mode so doubt i'll try upgrading android as everything i want works with womo.

Was going to install mobile shell 3.5 but happy enough with Win Mo 6.5 default screen - its a bit limited but everything is only a couple of screen clicks away!

As above, not a 3G phone, but it does connect with reasonable speed once you get your operator settings. This phone is for my second number which is very good - would not recommend for a main phone/ internet handset. As a backup phone or for people with no interest with email or internet on the move this is a good solid built unit.