I need a phone, but I don't wanna break the bank, and I wont buy an iPhone out of principle
I like the Palm Pre and the newer nokia phones, but I am rough with my mobiles and I don't wanna break a $600+ phone and be stuck on a contract to boot. I'm in Australia, and I can get a nokia E63 for $199 through vodafone which I can unlock myself. And on deal extreme, for about AU$76 delivered i can pick up a MSI bgp100 and a Holux M-1000B. I figure my phone needs should be covered and I will get a new toy to keep my busy till January when the Pandora (hopefully) arrives. Applying hacks for Symbian OS to allow unsigned code and adding N-gage games seems easy enough.
So, that's the plan atm. For $275 do you think it is worth it? And can anyone who has used an E63 tell me if it is worthwhile? I have already read numerous reviews and watched some videos and it looks ok. I just thought some of you guys could give me some advice.
So, that's the plan atm. For $275 do you think it is worth it? And can anyone who has used an E63 tell me if it is worthwhile? I have already read numerous reviews and watched some videos and it looks ok. I just thought some of you guys could give me some advice.