There Was A Small Problem At The Bank Doing A Bank Transfer (swift)


Apr 24, 2007
I went to the Bank of Montreal with the info to do a bank/wire transfer:

OpenPandora Ltd.
26 Meadow Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE15 7LP

bic/swift is BARCGB22

IBAN GB22BARC20238142867722

Sort Code: 20 23 81
Acc. No. 83525767

Bank address is:
NE63 9XB

It went almost smooth...

First, the teller didn't know what a sort code was. In the end, she added the Sort Code under "reference".

Second, the SWIFT code was incorrect or something. The teller told me that there was no 100% match. But she said it's not a huge deal, and she put the SWIFT code under reference as well.

Plus, I put my order number under reference. So there is now a total of THREE infos under Reference. Hopefully they can understand all this.

Also, we had trouble figuring out what the names mean on the address. For example, is "Northumberland" a town, city or a streetname? But I think they'll figure this out on their own...

In a nutshell, the SWIFT code BARCGB22 wasn't accepted 100%, and was put under Reference instead of the actual SWIFT field area.

Just FYI.
lobski said:
In a nutshell, the SWIFT code BARCGB22 wasn't accepted 100%, and was put under Reference instead of the actual SWIFT field area.

Well, I don't think the SWIFT code is wrong, as it checks out on the swift website @

Add to the fact that the teller didn't know what a sort code was, and I'd start wondering how long that particular teller has been working at a bank.
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Squidge said:
lobski said:
In a nutshell, the SWIFT code BARCGB22 wasn't accepted 100%, and was put under Reference instead of the actual SWIFT field area.

Well, I don't think the SWIFT code is wrong, as it checks out on the swift website @

Add to the fact that the teller didn't know what a sort code was, and I'd start wondering how long that particular teller has been working at a bank.

I have no clue as to what a sort code is, and I worked at a bank for a few years. Possibly something UK-specific?
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just FYI, the tellers at the bank _do_not_ do the transfers - they just forward the forms to the banks wire departments - if there's an actual problem with the info, it most likely will be caught by the people in that department (who actually know what they're doing, in contrast to the average canadian bank teller).
lobski said:
Also, we had trouble figuring out what the names mean on the address. For example, is "Northumberland" a town, city or a streetname? But I think they'll figure this out on their own...
OpenPandora Ltd. - Company
26 Meadow Road - Street
Newcastle upon Tyne - County
NE15 7LP - postcode

ASHINGTON - Town/village
NE63 9XB -postcode

It's easy peasy...
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Everyone needs to sit tight until OP releases the confirmed banking details, as Chip has previously stated.
lobski said:
I went to the Bank of Montreal with the info to do a bank/wire transfer:

bic/swift is BARCGB22

IBAN GB22BARC20238142867722

Sort Code: 20 23 81
Acc. No. 83525767

It went almost smooth...

There's something wrong here, the IBAN is supposed to contain both the sort code (which is a branch identification, if I am not wrong) as well as the the account number. This email shows two different account numbers: one at the end of the IBAN (42867722), and another one quoted below (83525767).

Just for clarification, for the IBAN for the above account should finish by 20238183525767. I've just checked here, and in the email I've received they match.

I am not sure if it will be an issue to complete your transfer as the bank may be confused about which account should receive the money. But I hope it will be okay.
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salasq said:
I have no clue as to what a sort code is, and I worked at a bank for a few years. Possibly something UK-specific?
yes indeed. It's similar to BIC/SWIFT, in a sense that they both are used to identify bank and branch. I do not think there is direct mapping, though.
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Some emails were sent out with an incorrect number. Also, some emails were sent suggesting everybody use the USD account, but we now find that that account will only work for USD. See the sticky I just posted for correct numbers.
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salasq said:
I have no clue as to what a sort code is, and I worked at a bank for a few years. Possibly something UK-specific?
Yeah, we use them with account numbers over here for transfers, makes stuff a bunch easier. B)
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_VWV_ said:
Ok, So what if somebody used the info to transfer pounds to the USD account? The money will return, won't they?
No, in that case the pounds go into our secret account in the Cayman islands and you're totally screwed. :P

Any mistake (wrong number, wrong account, wrong currency) will cause the bank transfer to fail. You will get a notification from your bank probably within a few days if this happens. If you give them the corrected info they should be able to re-send the transfer.
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Chip said:
_VWV_ said:
Ok, So what if somebody used the info to transfer pounds to the USD account? The money will return, won't they?
No, in that case the pounds go into our secret account in the Cayman islands and you're totally screwed. :P

Any mistake (wrong number, wrong account, wrong currency) will cause the bank transfer to fail. You will get a notification from your bank probably within a few days if this happens. If you give them the corrected info they should be able to re-send the transfer.

Aha, I see you keep demonstrating your good sense of humor. Could you tell me then if the bank will charge me once more for the second transfer?
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Chip said:
_VWV_ said:
Could you tell me then if the bank will charge me once more for the second transfer?
That's up to your bank.

What if they do charge me once more for the second transfer?

I know the fee should be small. It doesn't mater! I can (it's hard but I do my best) understand delays and hardware problems, but selling something is exactly what Craig's been doing for years (correct me if I'm wrong). How the hell could that happened?
Why there are people here who:
a) were given the wrong swift/iban
b ) + at the same time (at least in my case and in several others) were given the wrong account (wrong currency)
Mess.... :angry:
It would have been better if the money were indeed transfered to a secret account. In this case I would have thought about Craig as of a good professional.

Edit: I've just talked with my friend and he told me it was free of charge. (But I'm still angry about the mess)
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I had another weird thing happen -- when my teller punched in the SWIFT code, the Barclays branch that came up was 1 Churchill Place in London. She informed me that this was the central branch and that the wire would get dispatched to the correct sub-branch from there. She told me the IBAN had all the information for where the money needed to end up.

My wire was sent from an RBC branch in Ottawa.