The What Music Are You Listening To Thread


The whole album is glorious and is great, spectacular in fact, at lifting you out of a somber mood.
Couple of favorite old instrumentals of mine that are now irrevocably tarnished (used in adverts)
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Having an old skool weekend..
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Picked up from this years Record Shop Day...
Anyone noticed Hanneman died?

Slayer : Angel of dead. A very controversial song about Josef Mengele. Energetic, an amazing solo and the last 3 words of this song still gives me goose bumps.

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Björk - Jóga. Unique. A different kind of goose bumps.

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I did hear about this earlier on end of some news prog.
Bad news. I'm not a big Slayer fan really so didn't know about his illness, but the report caught my attention when I heard that he'd contracted a skin eating illness from a spider bite. I'd have thought all spider bites would have been treatable if the person was seen to soon enough.
Shame to hear though still