The usual I cancel and you suck compilation


Order number your, what it is?

btw why in his infinite wisdom didnt yoda learn a bit of gramar?
craigix said:
Joost said:
After waiting for almost two years without any trustworthy update concerning the planning and delivery times of the Pandora project, I have to set some kind of deadline for my own peace of mind. I'm going to wait until 1-1-2011. If I don't have my Pandora by then, I'm canceling. Anyone care to join in? Might make it 'global Pandora cancellation day'. ;) Ofcourse, sure hope it doesn't come to that!

Well I don't want you as a customer as of today, so I think you should cancel now.

What's your VAT registration number?
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skeezix said:
Now now everyone, be cool :) No need to mock anyone either way :)


Sourced from:

King Arthur: Go and tell your master that we have been charged by God with a sacred quest. If he will give us food and shelter for the night, he can join us in our quest for the GrailPandora.
French Soldier: Well, I'll ask him, but I don't think he will be very keen. Uh, he's already got one, you see.
King Arthur: What?
Sir Galahad: He said they've already got one!
King Arthur: Are you sure he's got one?
French Soldier: Oh yes, it's very nice!

Sir Galahad: Is there someone else up there we can talk to?
French Soldier: No, now go away or I shall tauntmock you a second time.

In fact, go through the whole movie in your head. Every time they say "Grail" substitute "Pandora"... It's uncanny.
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"And at the end of two months-"
"Three months."
"Right, three months. At the end of three months, the Pandoras will be shipped."

I think OpenPandora is a pretty cool guy. Eh insults his customers and doesn't afraid of anything.
EvilDragon said:
But... but... but... I'M supposed to be the Evil One :o

Ed you're as evil as a fluffy kitten in the arms of Kate Moss...
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Joost said:
After waiting for almost two years without any trustworthy update concerning the planning and delivery times of the Pandora project, I have to set some kind of deadline for my own peace of mind. I'm going to wait until 1-1-2011. If I don't have my Pandora by then, I'm canceling. Anyone care to join in? Might make it 'global Pandora cancellation day'. ;) Ofcourse, sure hope it doesn't come to that!
Well Joost, being a Pandora owner myself, I must say there is no reason why you should not recieve your unit by the date you have set, unless something catastophic takes place! :P

I personally had set my own date for my cancellation, but I never started a new thread about it. I pesonally don't understand all the hostile post aimed at you, but as per the norm, you never know what will push buttons around here. In regards to your statement about no "trustworthy updates" concerning delivery and such....That is complete rubish. I don't know how long you have followed this project, but the team(Ed anyways), always gives status updates and potential delivery times and numbers. It is never very accurate, but it is given.

So I do understand the need to set a cut off date, and I do hope your unit arrives soonish, as it is a wonderful device and was well worth the wait in my estimation. Since production has finally started, I do believe the team has done everything they can to deliver as many units as possible, while trying to improve the overall quality, so that future customers don't have the same hiccups as the first orders that where shipped. This is a very small project done by an even smaller amount of people, and I do belive it is growing bigger than originally planned, and there is many growing pains right now. Sadly, one of those pains is the actual production.

Everyone should try to hang in there, and look forward to a more polished unit than the one I currently have. The OS and programs will be much better in coming months also, so waiting isn't that bad at this point! ;)

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craigix said:
Joost said:
After waiting for almost two years without any trustworthy update concerning the planning and delivery times of the Pandora project, I have to set some kind of deadline for my own peace of mind. I'm going to wait until 1-1-2011. If I don't have my Pandora by then, I'm canceling. Anyone care to join in? Might make it 'global Pandora cancellation day'. ;) Ofcourse, sure hope it doesn't come to that!

Well I don't want you as a customer as of today, so I think you should cancel now.
So let me understand this Cragix, you don't want any customers that have any deadline set and only want customers willing to wait forever. Is that the case or what is your beef with Joost.
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@devhace, aaronson911: I think Craig was using dry humour, considering the "what's your order number?!" meme around here. And if he wasn't then it was funny anyway. :) I wouldn't get worked up over it.

Polossatik said:
EvilDragon said:
But... but... but... I'M supposed to be the Evil One :o

Ed you're as evil as a fluffy kitten in the arms of Kate Moss...
Sugar_Kane said:
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aaronson911 said:
craigix said:
Joost said:
After waiting for almost two years without any trustworthy update concerning the planning and delivery times of the Pandora project, I have to set some kind of deadline for my own peace of mind. I'm going to wait until 1-1-2011. If I don't have my Pandora by then, I'm canceling. Anyone care to join in? Might make it 'global Pandora cancellation day'. ;) Ofcourse, sure hope it doesn't come to that!

Well I don't want you as a customer as of today, so I think you should cancel now.
So let me understand this Cragix, you don't want any customers that have any deadline set and only want customers willing to wait forever. Is that the case or what is your beef with Joost.
I think the fact that he was trying to drag down other customers makes Craig's response totally justifiable.

I have a nubless pandora... and honestly you want this thing as soon as possible. If you cancel and decide to change your mind later, you will be sorry you ended up further down the queue. I'm using mine for dev stuff and playing games (mostly just dev stuff). While I can imagine life without it... I certainly would be very sad to not have it.
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craigix said:
Joost said:
After waiting for almost two years without any trustworthy update concerning the planning and delivery times of the Pandora project, I have to set some kind of deadline for my own peace of mind. I'm going to wait until 1-1-2011. If I don't have my Pandora by then, I'm canceling. Anyone care to join in? Might make it 'global Pandora cancellation day'. ;) Ofcourse, sure hope it doesn't come to that!

Well I don't want you as a customer as of today, so I think you should cancel now.

Well Craig, you should have said that to him on day one!!! Probably a lot of guys would have never ordered then!!
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There wouldn't be a possibility of getting these images in a size of 800x480, would there?
craigix said:
Joost said:
After waiting for almost two years without any trustworthy update concerning the planning and delivery times of the Pandora project, I have to set some kind of deadline for my own peace of mind. I'm going to wait until 1-1-2011. If I don't have my Pandora by then, I'm canceling. Anyone care to join in? Might make it 'global Pandora cancellation day'. ;) Ofcourse, sure hope it doesn't come to that!

Well I don't want you as a customer as of today, so I think you should cancel now.

I'd say that if you can't meet your latest self-imposed deadlines, and then slip into 2011, you folks should just admit defeat and pack it in.
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