A week ago, the GP32 I had ordered arrived at my house. I was so excited. It was a dream come true - to play emulated games on a handheld console. I opened it up and turned it on. But, the sun clouded over, and the sky turned black.
I heard some horrific entrance music, and tried to play something. I just about worked my way to playing Sonic. What a horrific assrape of the classic this was!! The framerate was terrible, and it was an abomination. The game ran better on technology nearly 15 years older!
So, my purchase was a cataclysmic failure, and a waste of money. I tried to sell it to a young boy who had grown impatient with a game boy advance. Alas, the youth of today isn't as moronic as I believed, and say through my scam.
A tale of woe, and this is just chapter one!
I heard some horrific entrance music, and tried to play something. I just about worked my way to playing Sonic. What a horrific assrape of the classic this was!! The framerate was terrible, and it was an abomination. The game ran better on technology nearly 15 years older!
So, my purchase was a cataclysmic failure, and a waste of money. I tried to sell it to a young boy who had grown impatient with a game boy advance. Alas, the youth of today isn't as moronic as I believed, and say through my scam.
A tale of woe, and this is just chapter one!