As far as I can tell the Pandora's should be able to keep up with the specs as long as one keeps it with some of the simpler maps. To elaborate, the Pandora does come 500mz short when it gears down to pure processing power required for this game... It appears that this is in reference to playing ALL of the maps (as in the larger 60 by 60 km maps!). Due to the fact that this game is based off of the 1997 hit RTS, Total Annihilation; It might be plausible that one could play the vanilla Total Annihilation maps on a port and have it be playable on the Pandora.
The thought of having one of the best RTS games of all time on the Pandora would be quite a thing! The inclusion of an RTS like Total Annihilation to Pandora's arsenal of games would definitely keep me from any other handheld gaming console for good XD! (Albeit, Pandora2 of course)
For those of you who are new to the Spring Project I highly suggest you check it out. The online battles are spectacular, and to this date, no RTS (other than its little brother Supreme Commander) that I have encountered has battles on the scale of Spring's Total Annihilation:
The Website:
What the project and game is all about: (Yes, it is open source)
And an epic screen Shot
The thought of having one of the best RTS games of all time on the Pandora would be quite a thing! The inclusion of an RTS like Total Annihilation to Pandora's arsenal of games would definitely keep me from any other handheld gaming console for good XD! (Albeit, Pandora2 of course)
For those of you who are new to the Spring Project I highly suggest you check it out. The online battles are spectacular, and to this date, no RTS (other than its little brother Supreme Commander) that I have encountered has battles on the scale of Spring's Total Annihilation:
The Website:
What the project and game is all about: (Yes, it is open source)
And an epic screen Shot