The Pandora Bug Takes Hold!


Still Fresh
Dec 16, 2009
Hey Everyone,

Been following this project for quite a while now, first time posting though. I thought i would share something that has turned my OP addiction into something almost rediculous. Well last night, i went to sleep and for the first time i actually dreamed about Craigix handing me a Pandora. Funny too, cause it was the exact guy in the video with the noodles hanging out of his mouth. I think last night was the moment that the Pandora bug fully took control of me. This is weird, I don't think i've ever been this caught up in a new piece of technology before. I mean i was as giddy as a schoolboy when i first received my Dreamcast all those years ago, but the thought of a DC in my hands never once invaded my dreams. It's a shame too, cause I'm gonna be a second batcher. Unfortunately i just can't balance my personal budget enough right now to allow me to order one without feeling guilty for splurging on myself and not my family. I really hope this bug doesn't eventuate into anything stronger or the fervor is gonna push me to figure out a way to secure a first batch OP no matter what. As an Entrepeneur myself, I also want to take this chance to thank the OP development team. This is a significant undertaking with a large initial overhead and foreign suppliers. You guys should all give yourselves a hearty pat on the back for getting to this oh-so-near point. All the posters on this forum and those eagerly awaiting their orders should all give themselves a pat on the back too, cause it took a lot of patience and loyalty from all of you to get the OP this far as well. Anyways, even if i'm not going to receive one of the coveted first batch OPs i'm still screaming to everyone i know how amazing this system is gonna be and i'm gonna make sure that atleast a few of them will be buying one to play multiplayer with me.


Heh, I had a dream about the Pandora a few days ago, too. I was at some kind of video game conference, and EvilDragon was there showing off the Pandora. He had like 5 of them set up, and as he was packing up to leave, he left one there on accident. I snatched it up and started playing with it, but eventually felt guilty and tracked him down to give it back. He was so excited, he said I could keep it, and he started showing me around the OS. Now, this is where it gets weird. I don't know if my wife's head was too close to mine and her hair was in my face, or if my cat was messing with my face while I slept... But in the dream, ED's hair kept getting in my face/mouth as he was crowded around me showing me how to do stuff on the Pandora. It annoyed me so much that I eventually gave it back and left. O_o I was not the same after that dream.
i finally came out and told my mate i had bought a pandora. waiting for the sarcastic remarks from my Gizmondo fanboy stage to come up i was pleased to hear he had heard of the pandora. i was then fixed in monologue mode about what emulators i'll eventually run and when ill get mine.... BLISS! :wub:
My Pandora dream was so much better than all of yours.
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I've had two Pandora dreams; in the last one, the case color had been changed to bright yellow for some reason, and Craig had decided not to ship them, so we all went to England to get them - at any rate, there was a huge crowd of people waiting for them.

The first one was shortly after the first renders were posted, and it was being demonstrated by "Weird" Al Yankovic at a concert. :wacko:
I'm looking at a pile of junk on the table and hoping I can get rid of all of it and just use my Pandora for everything fun. :) Sort of like if I had a real Pandora, I'd be pouring stuff into it ..
K1WI said:
..Well last night, i went to sleep and for the first time i actually dreamed about Craigix handing me a Pandora. Funny too, cause it was the exact guy in the video with the noodles hanging out of his mouth...

These astral projections are remotely made by GPH. Remember Freddy Krueger? The NoodleMan will choke ya out in your sleep next time..
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wermy said:
...But in the dream, ED's hair kept getting in my face/mouth as he was crowded around me showing me how to do stuff on the Pandora. It annoyed me so much that I eventually gave it back and left. O_o I was not the same after that dream.

LOL...seriously that's just hilarious, thanks for sharing! :)
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I dreamt that ED held a press conference alongside the Christmas party I went to. Strangely though, the only people there were trolls from this forum. After it had all finished I went in and asked how it went. He told me he would never again show off unfinished hardware saying 'They didn't get it'. I guess what he meant was that they judged the Pandora based on what they could see and they didn't have the imagination to see what it would become.
I had a dream about the Pandora last night! I had gone to a store and I saw a guy with two finished Pandoras. I asked him why he hadn't posted anything about getting them on the forums, but he said he'd never even heard of GP32X! He said he was a dev though, and somehow I went home with one of his Pandoras. I spent the day playing with it (I remember liking the nubs XD) but then the battery died. I then spent a few hours looking for a PSP charger, but I never found one. :(

It was weird. Oh, and if the nubs are anything like they were in my dream, then they're totally awesome! :P
Thats strange: i dont dreamed about the Pandora anytime, but other things: once i was standing on the stage whit my second faverit medieval rock band "In Extremo", whit a bagpipe, but i can only playing guitar.(it was before schelmish was my second faverit medievil rock band
in other dreams, i can fly, or i have the motorbike, i want buy, if i have the mony, and my scouter is 15Yeahrs..
Other Dreams, i have a girlfriend, or i have a biger unimog.. :lol:
I had a Pandora Dream just a couple of weeks ago, It was suddenly in my hands and I was getting ready to have some fun, then I woke up right away. I leaned over and checked the boards to see if any new news had come across nothing new though, at least for a few days, then the Green light not yet given was announced and the dream felt more like torture! Especially how I was just about to play with it when I woke up, I didn't even get to have ED's hair in my mouth, nothing.
Poem58 said:
I didn't even get to have ED's hair in my mouth, nothing.

LOL Well, however awesome that prospect might seem to you, I can tell you firsthand it isn't at all. And you just feel weird afterwards. ;)

This makes me wonder: how must EvilDragon, and Craigix feel, knowing that complete strangers all over the world are having these strange dreams about them?
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Hehe I had a dream a few months back, I was sat in a room with the dev's and a load of first batchers we were opening our packages together and all the pandoras were all slightly different. mine had a keyboard like an acer i distinctly remember the slanted space bar. it was a mini version of this I asked if I could swap it as the keyboard was loose.. very strange dream... I'm glad Evil Dragon did't get his hair in my mouth though PMSL :P
wow wtf....? suddenly i dont feel like i belong with you people, i thought i was somewhat of a borderline nerd, but this is just outrageous. you guys are weird.......and i love you all :D
wermy said:
Heh, I had a dream about the Pandora a few days ago, too. I was at some kind of video game conference, and EvilDragon was there showing off the Pandora. He had like 5 of them set up, and as he was packing up to leave, he left one there on accident. I snatched it up and started playing with it, but eventually felt guilty and tracked him down to give it back. He was so excited, he said I could keep it, and he started showing me around the OS. Now, this is where it gets weird. I don't know if my wife's head was too close to mine and her hair was in my face, or if my cat was messing with my face while I slept... But in the dream, ED's hair kept getting in my face/mouth as he was crowded around me showing me how to do stuff on the Pandora. It annoyed me so much that I eventually gave it back and left. O_o I was not the same after that dream.
That is an awesome dream.

edgex004 said:
Tempel: I'm in many ways amazed that your dream was never LOL-filed.
So am I. The mods missed the boat on that one.
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