The On-going Flu/blu Saga

sam thats a bummer. if it helps im playing my gp32 at the moment. it rocks you really ought to try it.
(wizball frodo)
with the new release of os9xgp imminent its going to be hard to put my gp32 down!

fgen has recently had an update at a spanish convention, even speedier than before, z80 should be implemented soon!

great time to have a gp32_console
sucks to be you...

for future reference...just to be easy on the mods, why don't you jusst post your topics IN the LOL files? that way they don't have to go through the effort of moving them...
I'd have to agree that a post in the general section for every time you fart in the general direction of your BLU is not the most exciting use of frontpage real estate Sam..!
sucks to be you...

for future reference...just to be easy on the mods, why don't you jusst post your topics IN the LOL files? that way they don't have to go through the effort of moving them...
Yeah that is a good idea....

(don't take any offence by these post's sam were all just having a laugh at this post)
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I was just panicking! no need to be so harsh. I got an answer from gbax and they got it is is just the bloody royal mail tracking. How about adding a filter that changes the words sam fisher and sam fishers blu into oh no not again.
Easy way: Just don't write that stuff...
Think before you post if it's of any interest for anyone here.

I thought you learned that when you were new here (and got a full load of flames because of that :)) because in the last weeks you proved that you can also post some interesting things and leave the uninteresting stuff away...
Maybe just nothing uninteresting happenend to you in the last weeks ;)

But I see you learned:
Instead of whining you answered with some sarcasm :)
That's better :)

So we may have the chances to see you grow up :P
I was just worried that my beloved blu had been dumped out side some where as if you don't answer the door sometimes here(even with special delivery) They just sump it outside the soor. Some one sees something with special delivery on it and they know its probably expensive.
To be honest even though this thread is as relevant as me posting about my hairstyle it's still one of the most entertaining threads I've read today :) hehe.
OK, I merged all of sam_fisher's FLU / BLU posts into one thread :D

Really sam, just use ONE thread for all your FLU / BLU woes. Making 1000 of them in General Talk gets people mad, as you can see. :rolleyes:

As for the people being mad...behave or face facist mod! :ph34r: Seriously, you've flamed sam enough, now please give him a break. <_<