The official screenshot/picture request thread

A couple of screengrabs to bump the thread. Sorry for size but they show the quality of the Pandora running these titles.

Chrono Trigger

PSX4all Discworld 1 = :(

Sadly you cant get screenshots from within psx4all as all you get is a black screen.

Hope those were of use. Time to test other apps with screengrabs.
How are you getting screenshots from within the emulators, MarioPandio? I followed SomeGuy99's tutorial, but for some reason I haven't been able to get it to take pictures from emulators. :P
Follow the rest of the same thread and a solo poster 'MasterLinux' offers a script there. Follow the same steps with it and from the terminal set it going, then launch said emu and games. It will take timed snaps to the chosen folder.

I found it doesn't shut off if used on a hotkey'd basis though and simply starts new iterations of timed snaps with each press. Should be possible to mess with the timings and if anyone knows how, to add make it killable too! As I said it doesnt work on PSX though and perhaps others too.

Hope that helps :)
Can someone post some SCUMMVM screenshots? I'd like to see how they scale on Pandora's screen.
A couple of screengrabs to bump the thread. Sorry for size but they show the quality of the Pandora running these titles.

PSX4all Discworld 1 = :(

Sadly you cant get screenshots from within psx4all as all you get is a black screen.

Hope those were of use. Time to test other apps with screengrabs.

(screenshots omitted from quote to keep my post from being ungodly long!)

Thank you for reminding me that I was going to get Strider for my Pandora! *adds to his list*

Hmm, I'm going to have to ask people around here for links on where to (safely) find some of this stuff, methinks...
Ebay is his friend! Theres tons of copies outthere for next to nothing, so avoid the pricey ones. Then dump it or grab it elsewhere to be all legal and above board! Hell I've two copies in the attic!
Mmmm...Monkey Island 2 looks delicious on that screen. I have to admit I had to google the second game to find out it was KQ3. Never actually played it, but I may have to look through all my old floppies and shareware CDs to see if I have a demo. I love me some old-school adventure games. I remember playing another old Sierra game that had a straw roof house and a creek you crossed with a stone bridge...but i don't have a clue what it was. Anyone have a guess as to what it may have been?
I remember playing another old Sierra game that had a straw roof house and a creek you crossed with a stone bridge...but i don't have a clue what it was. Anyone have a guess as to what it may have been?
You'll not find any of the Sierra adventure games on shareware.

Of the top of my head, you've just described either KQ1, KQ4, or Black Cauldron.
^ I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be within the rules...

As I thought; that's part of why I asked. I suspected there were rules against it. Thanks for letting me know, there'll be no more mention of it from me :)

(continued because I think my brain isn't fully functional today....)

Yes, I would rather acquire things legally, but I also wanted to be sure of the stance on those OTHER methods we all know of. Just wanted to clarify :) cauldron might be it. I was only able to watch the amiga videos since youtube doesn't want to do anything but buffer today, but it's close to what I remember.
hows about a few space quest, legend of kyrandia, and day of the tentacle, o and full throttle, all scummvm

muhahaha is this a plot to get people to play these games, YES, but i also do want to see them more so to help me imagining myself playing them.
Can anyone post a screen shot of Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver on psx for the Pandora? It would be much appreciated.
Edit: Yikes those pics were huge. Youtube video added.

Here ya go!





Plus a 6min 20mb video of it running at 1ghz.

Theres some slight audio speed and synch issues and a glitch that traps you if you touch certain slightly misrendered textures but its good otherwise. One for the replay list as it was bloody awesome!
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Edit: Yikes those pics were huge. Youtube video added.

Here ya go!





Plus a 6min 20mb video of it running at 1ghz.

Theres some slight audio speed and synch issues and a glitch that traps you if you touch certain slightly misrendered textures but its good otherwise. One for the replay list as it was bloody awesome!

Wow thanks a lot! That game's one of the main reasons I wanted a Pandora. :)