Well, you were perfectly right, especially at the time you wrote that. Just since then the rate of sale has increased somewhat for reasons I don't really understand. Maybe people assumed all units will get a serial number somewhere on them, and wanted a sub 1000-ish one (ish depending on whether all pre-preorderers have made the upgrade yet), or maybe the run up and post festivus holiday had an effect, or maybe some people have found the recent news stories a little more exciting than I have personally.
... depending on whether all pre-preorderers have made the upgrade yet)...
Hm, I preordered, but I'm not aware of an upgrade. Do I miss out on something? Is there a new version available - maybe with a 510 connector for vaporizers? :)
Hm, I preordered, but I'm not aware of an upgrade.
Well did you PRE-pre-order? It was a limited 200 unit offer several months prior to the official pre-order... You would have received a signed PCB.
Thanks every one post these amazing pictures. It‘s a long way the pyra preorders go to 1000. But it's more fun to wait when saw these number images.
Well did you PRE-pre-order? It was a limited 200 unit offer several months prior to the official pre-order... You would have received a signed PCB.
Thanks. It seems, I didn't recognize the repetition of pre, this morning.
Um...that number looks like it was edited into that picture. We need another one.

Seriously, though, is it just me, or does that license plate look like it was added afterwards?
A late night 1006:

Also, despite not containing the requisite number, I came across this awesome image:

It's a composite image of SN1006 - a supernova that occurred in 1006AD. The whitish/yellow bits are visible artefacts, while blue is superheated gas detected in the x-ray and red is excited electrons detected by a radio telescope.
Seriously, though, is it just me, or does that license plate look like it was added afterwards?
It's definitely photoshopped. I can tell from looking at the pixels and seeing a few shops in my time.
But seriously, it is. If you zoom in on the plate you can see how grainy the rest of the image is compared to the plate, and can even see round "smudges" at the edges indicative of a paint tool.
Oh yeah, it's a classic photochop. It wasn't that obvious when I was working on grabbing it at reduced sizes, but I did see that it was a 'chop after posting it. I hadn't appreciated that being a problem, based on about half of the pictures on that page containing mixed computer generated and photographic source pictures, but either way it's good that it was sorted out promptly!
I wasn't completely serious about it not being good enough, but I wanted to have another chance for a nerdy picture. Even though I didn't zoom in it seemed off immediately. I thought I may have been wrong since sometimes reflective stuff can show up ultra clear in otherwise iffy pics, and some license plates are reflective. I couldn't think of another way of having a really clear black, since it is the opposite of reflective.

Thanks for helping with whatever connections weren't completed in my head.