The New Pope Is Creepy.

Actually Germany is still one of the leaders in extreme right wing activity, many of those right wingers visit here because they simpathise with Loyalist's. The world is very backward.
finty posted on Apr 20 2005 at 08:01 PM said:
Actually Germany is still one of the leaders in extreme right wing activity, many of those right wingers visit here because they simpathise with Loyalist's. The world is very backward.

Well, I'm not sure, if this is true, as I have no clue about the right wing activity of other countries. However, our right wing activity isn't realy very high. There is no right wing group that has any power in Germany. The last Parliament-election gave to seats to the right wing party NPD, but this was just because of frustration over our current Government. And you can't do anything with 2 little seats, can you?

Conclusion: I just want people to not see Germany as the source of right wing activity, nor as a place where there are many right wings running around in the streets. There's only a VERY small (tiny) number of people who are really right-winged, and Germany is probably one of the most liberal countries in the world. I live in Germany, i know that how it is here, you probably just know germany because you heard something about right wing people in your local news. MEDIA IS BAD I SAY! DON'T LISTEN TO THEM! I think the media just emphasizes the size of the right-wing extremity because of our past.
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I'm not talking political groupings, I am talking about the fickle groups of misfits suck as Combat18 etc.

I don't see Germany as the source of Right Wing activity, I mean even in the reletavly left wing Republic of Ireland there is some right wing groupings, it is just Germans like to make them selves known more, especially by showing up here.
I don't think Germany is extremely outstanding in this point (the activity itself), but it seems (as you describe) that it's the german groups that are trying to "keep in contact" with right groups all over the world. IIRC the netherlands have an even bigger activity of right wing groups in their country, but they keep in inside Holland or travel to Germany only. It could also be, that American right wing groups (or right wing gruops in ANY country) might try to get in contact with German groups, as it have been germans who had the NAZI gouvernment.

EDIT: Maybe i'm not speaking clearly here, but I think German right wing groups enjoy some sort of "respect" by right wing groups from otehr countries.
As a Black Catholic homosexual women priest who needs an abortion i feel that this new pope is a turn for the worst.

Conservative Twat.
Sponge BoB posted on Apr 20 2005 at 08:10 PM said:
As a Black Catholic homosexual women priest who needs an abortion i feel that this new pope is a turn for the worst.

Conservative Twat.


i dont think a conserative was the right choice. He just seems like John Pauls kiss arse

I personally will always envisage Pope John Paul as the pope

dunno why
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Whoa, intelligent discussion of religious leaders, this is a pleasant change from being raised in the bible belt and getting screamed at whenever I dare oppose the invisable fist of smiteing from above. :lol:

Kudos to you all, you deserve it.


I personally will always envisage Pope John Paul as the pope

Agreed there, The new one looks more like he should be wearing a black mitre and be the bizarro world pope.
The pope is from Bavaria.
He HAS to be the most conservative pope ever.
I know what I'm saying, I LIVE in Bavaria.

There's nothing more conservative than a bavarian...
Horscht posted on Apr 20 2005 at 06:52 PM said:
And the Nazis really had brainwashing power. The Reichstagsbrand is a good example. The SA burned down the Reichstag, and said that jews did it.
Actually they blamed Marinus van der Lubbe, a non-Jewish dutch communist.

mattmagoo posted on Apr 20 2005 at 10:11 PM said:
I personally will always envisage Pope John Paul as the pope

Didn't he only reign for around a month?
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