The most powerful Windows 8 tablet the world has ever seen!?

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Dec 19, 2012
Cái Bang
The Razer Edge Pro is the most powerful Windows 8 tablet PCWorld has ever seen.

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good god man would love to play around with it see what it can really do lol they better come out with some huge battire in a backpack so you can play longer then a hour. thanks for the post will have to re-read when i really wake
This will run PS2 and Dreamcast emulators with no problems in the hotel or in the airport.  :D

But the price is crazy!  But then Razer is a small company not like those giant corporate  :D
Who cares about W8 ?
I do, and I guess most other people in offices with desktop PCs. Not necessarily Care = Love, but because if the IT Infrastructure guys and gals decide to "migrate" us onto it, we'll have to use it...
I've heard that despite the "Notro" interface, it's actually a pretty good and stable OS. I've yet to try it myself, but there you go...
I know but you can always run Linux on it.
Are you sure about that? Didn't Microsoft put some kind of "tablet hardware must be locked to Windows if you're going to ship with Windows 8" thing in their agreements? I'm pretty sure I remember reading an article about that pushing the fear that they might do the same to desktop systems.
I know but you can always run Linux on it.
Are you sure about that? Didn't Microsoft put some kind of "tablet hardware must be locked to Windows if you're going to ship with Windows 8" thing in their agreements? I'm pretty sure I remember reading an article about that pushing the fear that they might do the same to desktop systems.
secureboot? I thought redhat and fsf got around that limitation?
add "not the most powerful windows 8 tablet at the end of next week" argument...
I know but you can always run Linux on it.
Are you sure about that? Didn't Microsoft put some kind of "tablet hardware must be locked to Windows if you're going to ship with Windows 8" thing in their agreements? I'm pretty sure I remember reading an article about that pushing the fear that they might do the same to desktop systems.
secureboot? I thought redhat and fsf got around that limitation?
Yep!  Check out here.  And Microsoft helps it out too  :D
Dont' want to start a war here, but it seems like everyone here can tolerate anything the Pandora is not good at but criticize to death anything that's non-Pandora....
Dont' want to start a war here, but it seems like everyone here can tolerate anything the Pandora is not good at but criticize to death anything that's non-Pandora....
I do not think so.

I think, that we are just a totally different target audience.

The device above is one of the many ones, that are just fitting into this "we need more power!!!"-trend for people that want to show off.

I care for mobility (battery life, weight, built in controls, SD mass storage, dimensions, number of programs and games really usable with the controls on a single device, etc...) and use a desktop pc for raw hardware power, but I have not found a reason to upgrade my desktop system for quite some years and so even there this point is not too important for me.
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The device above is one of the many ones, that are just fitting into this "we need more power!!!"-trend for people that want to show off.
I think it's naive to assume that the people who want more power are only doing it to show off.  The thought of playing the latest PC games on a tablet while laying on the couch (or anywhere else for that matter) is pretty appealing to me, as is the concept of having a unified device for mobile gaming, tablet uses, as well as a desktop replacement.

It's fine if people don't use Windows as their OS of choice (I don't use it as mine), but it's dumb to write it off completely and act like it's an altogether bad choice for anyone and everyone.

I get what you're saying though - people that would be interested in this thing are probably in the minority on these boards.   :)
sorry, but to me people that want THE best PC are either stupid or rich... buying a PC is always a compromise between cost/power/needs... buying the second in class will cost you half of the most powerful one cause the ration price/power is just too steep near the end... and for nearly the same performance...
So, has anybody seen it in real life until now? Has it been a big success?
To me, "The most powerful Win 8 tablet" sounds a bit like "The most desirable STD". As in, possibly factually true, but totally irrelevant.
Exactly: "powerful Windows" is a contradictio in terminis. In all these decades, I would expect people to have learned that powerful hardware means nothing if you can only use it with crippled, "user-friendly" (a euphemism for "power-user hostile"), spying, buggy, insecure, vendor-locking-in, expensive, unmodifiable software.