The Most Horrible Games Of All Time!

Mehdi Ali with Bill Sydnes as a close second, worst games ever :P and they weren't funny at all, not even as an effigy on a bon fire.
Oh well, people move on :) but bad games doesn't really strike you when you've experience the terror that is Mehdi ;)
Shaq-Fu was mentioned earlier.... damn.

I'll have to say either

Amagon for the NES

or... Dungeons and Dragons for the NES. Both utterly horrible games.
generalnmx posted on Jul 1 2004 at 10:31 PM said:
These are the kinds of games that make you want to throw your console across the room, stomp on it repeatedly, piss on it, track down the developers that created it, kill them, then piss on their dead corpses.

Something to start us off: Ultima: Runes of Virtue for GB. I hated that game.

Spy Hunter II
Star Raiders II
Halo 2 (what a dissapointment!)

Hmm, all sequels...

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I don't know if this has been listed. If it has then it deserves another warning.
"Checkered Flag" and "Crescent Galaxy" for the Atari Jaguar.
Ooooew! It felt creepy just typing it. :unsure:
some shitty game i had for the jaguar, ninja something or other looked a bit like mortal kombat.

booted the game
started to play when i had been punched twice in the game i removed the cart and threw it into the garden where is eventually over a period of 2 months got trod into the grass lawn.

it never even completed a sinlge round! before it got thrown, in fact i dont think i did a kick or punch.
I have never had the "pleasure" of owning a console, I HAVE to own something I can program for some perverse reason that eludes me, since I can`t program for, but I have been caught out by only one game in my whole misspent gameing history, the only game I ever bought where I foolishly based my purchase decision on a "gameplay video", that game was

War Of the Worlds

the reason some companies release gameplay videos rather than demo levels is now obvious to me, only in a gameplay video can you make the biggest pile of crap ever released look like it`s actualy a playable and fun game, the reality was bad...oh so bad...bad I say :( :huh:

SAS Combat on the Amiga was pretty bad. A budget Codemasters version of Ikari Warriors interspersed with side scrolling Green-Beret-stabbing levels. Godawful game.

I seem to have forgotten the really bad ones though... Modern stuff, anything in EA's "sports" range is pretty dire. Lazy, uninspired and downright crap.
I don't think its been mentioned yet.. Crazy Ivan for the PS1 that sucked especially the video sequences!

rainbow island. ayone wo assosiates themselves with it should kill them selves

LHC posted on Dec 18 2005 at 02:59 PM said:
Deleted User posted on Dec 17 2005 at 11:34 PM said:
plok for snes.#

never understood it
It was the best game ever, so you're wrong.
Had terrific music, and sound in general. Soundtrack by the Follin brothers.
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danger mouse and the black forest chateux- spectrum

dracula- spectrum

molecule man(20 second countdown then you died)- spectrum


sam fox strip poker- spectrum(i had this when i was nine, didnt know how to play poker)


blue stinger-dc

thrasher skate and destroy-ps

lots and lots more, but these are ones i remember playing for 10 mins then never again
Bad Dudes, NARC(the old one that was on arcade and NES), 8 Eyes, Urban Champion, Mighty Bomb Jack, BattleToads & Double Dragon, Twisted Metal 3, Metroid Prime, Super Smash Brothers, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Sim Earth, Ghost Recon(every single one I've tried blows), Perfect Dark, GoldenEye(every other 007 game I've ever played, for that matter), and Final Fantasy 8.

There's probably more I could add to that list, but it's all I can think of at the moment.
Magus 86 posted on Dec 19 2005 at 04:50 AM said:
Mighty Bomb Jack, Metroid Prime, Super Smash Brothers, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Perfect Dark, GoldenEye(every other 007 game I've ever played, for that matter), and Final Fantasy 8.

There's probably more I could add to that list, but it's all I can think of at the moment.

your kidding right? Most horrible games of all time? those are some of the highest rated games.
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