The Mana World


Aug 15, 2010
Well I've seen that "The Mana World" - a 2D Opensource MMORPG has been ported to the Pandora already by cpasjuste, I've also seen a Youtube Video on his channel that shows the game running just fine, and in the ports list its listed as finished...

So... where exactly can we get it? The official page, where the wiki links to, shows nothing about the Pandora at all...
Thank you very much, I've been searching the gp32x forums before but all I found was a gp2x port request... hmmm...

Either way, is there a reason why this isn't on the Pandora Appstore?
Its also, listed on the Pandora wiki. I find thats always the best place check when looking for an app. Its shows software that is stored on developers sites as well, not just links to appstore or archive.

Edit: Added link to games list on wiki, but other software can be found there as well.
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The Pandora Wiki pretty incomplete as well; I usually check first since its most comprehensive and an hold home; appstore; sebt3's download page, since he wasn't careful about always getting his stuff onto Wik iis last for me, though it is attractively done, but old habits die hard .. but I noticed a bunch of missing stuff there (including some of my own stuff :) -- to me, the wiki is redundant. Why update _it_, when someone could upload stuff to the other two places and reduce the number of places to look .. but anyway, thats just me :) (I don't like one canonicle place, but I do like 2 (backups))

sebt3's download page, since he wasn't careful about always getting his stuff onto
See it the other way. I dont want to upload scrap on the fileachive. So thing stay on my webspace until I get confident it have been testd enough.

I'm pretty bad at testing, especially when it come to test my stuff.

Let me tell you a story. My wife had a pretty simple need. I though I could code that, which what I done. As it was for my wife, I spend a week testing the stuff to be sure it was perfect (wanted to shine in her eyes). Hwen she started using it, she found 2 crash bugs in less than half an hour, and found many more bugs within the first day of using it...

This day I learned that i suck at testing.

So I rely completly on the community for this part of the work, and sadly, many thing I've done dont get any feedback.

There is also a few things on my website that are fully broken, think ekiga.

So my word would be, check the wiki first as the Wiki is the more updated/complete place in existance. I for one, now only use this to find out if something exist or not.
I'm glad someone else asked about this, I was wondering about this game the other day. I used to play, but then I had to move where I don't have internet (400mb/day suckiness). With the Pandora I can take it to where the internet is!