Hello !
Today i had a little spare time and tried a few emulators. I must say that in a few month we got a lot of exciting things
This give me the desire to do something, so i ported (again) "The Mana World", a cool cross-platform mmorpg.
Website : http://themanaworld.org/
Download : http://mydedibox.fr/pandora/pnd/cpasjuste.tmw-
- I did only spot one bug for now, if you click near a edge of the screen, the cursor will not be at the right place after (difficult to epxlain with my bad english). I don't know if it's an OS bug, tslib bug or mana world bug ...
- Edit : i did spot another one, sometime your player will always run in a direction, click setup, enable the joystick, click calibration then apply.
- No need to say that you need an internet connection to play this game
- If you want to go fullscreen, click the setting button and check fullscreen
Today i had a little spare time and tried a few emulators. I must say that in a few month we got a lot of exciting things
Website : http://themanaworld.org/
Download : http://mydedibox.fr/pandora/pnd/cpasjuste.tmw-
- I did only spot one bug for now, if you click near a edge of the screen, the cursor will not be at the right place after (difficult to epxlain with my bad english). I don't know if it's an OS bug, tslib bug or mana world bug ...
- Edit : i did spot another one, sometime your player will always run in a direction, click setup, enable the joystick, click calibration then apply.
- No need to say that you need an internet connection to play this game
- If you want to go fullscreen, click the setting button and check fullscreen