The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Good game I just got the game recently but what is a pain is that I am left handed so when link is holding the sword in his right hand it throws me off, I really wish nintendo had put the effort into making link both left handed and right handed.
Good game I just got the game recently but what is a pain is that I am left handed so when link is holding the sword in his right hand it throws me off, I really wish nintendo had put the effort into making link both left handed and right handed.
What really sucks is that Link has always been left handed, and was only change to right handed since motion controls have been added(to make him more user friendly to the majority). They should have just included a mirror mode for lefty's, or included some kind of option for the on screen character to switch hands(That might have been the easier of the 2 options.

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They should have just included a mirror mode for lefty's, or included some kind of option for the on screen character to switch hands(That might have been the easier of the 2 options.
My preferred choice would be for link to wield his sword in his left hand as he always has and for me to wield the wiimote in my right. I couldn't care less that he would execute the moves mirrored.
Right, I do wish that they made his swing as genuine to the character as possible. Oh well, the game's focus so far to me seems to be more on making sure I'm a shoelace-tying expert, so I can see where throwing in a mirrored left swing would be a cause for overly protective concern on their behalf.

All in all the controls are pretty good, agreed. Except for the laggy menu (I really miss Wii Not-Motion-Plus), but I'll overlook that if the gameplay is solid, which it definitely is.

Did it deserve a 10? No, but a 9.5+ is certainly fair for a game series that typically outdoes itself anyway.
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Playing through, one thing that has bothered me is that it isn't really steeped in the old Hyrule mythos. I haven't made it to the end yet, so I may be missing a great deal, but the three Goddesses, the Triforce, Ganon, a lot of other things (the way bombs work, the clockwork beetle instead of a boomerang, many many other things) just seem so unlike any of the previous games that it honestly feels like it was a completely different game with Link added in as an afterthought. This kind of makes me sad twice: first because it means there was potentially an entirely new franchise they could have started building upon; second because it is a very un-Zelda like Zelda game that they now have to shoehorn into the timeline they are so keen to try (and fail) to make work.

edit: that's not to say I'm not enjoying it and don't think it is a fun game, there's just so many things that strike me as "not-Zelda" that I feel it would have been better served as an original content game than trying to be a Zelda game.
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spoiler alert, might also save you some HUGE frustration with this game

the triforce plays a huge part in the game, but really only at the end.

and if you want to save yourself a huge amount of frustration, make sure to copy your save file before you beat the last boss. i have no idea why nintendo would do this. the way it was done on OOT 3d was perfect, but this crap is just unacceptable.

outstanding game though
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So after 17 months I finally beat this game. Conclusion: I didn't like it. The elements that made it a "Zelda" game felt very tacked on, and the way it used the controls were forced and didn't always work as intended. I originally felt that if it hadn't tried to be a Zelda game, if it had just been a sword adventure with some other set of protagonists then it would have been alright, but upon closer inspection there were a lot of flaws that kept me from enjoying it, not just the unease of forced story lines.
I absolutely loved Skyward Sword, other than having to beat the same monster multiple times and that stupidly annoying last boss.

It's definitely up there with the best Zelda games for me and much better than the dull and empty Twilight Princess.
Yep, same here.

I loved the Twilight Princess but also thought Skyward Sword only is "okay".

It also has some essential flaws in my opinion.

Why isn't it possible to warp from one statue to any other one that's accessible?

It was so annoying to get out of one area back into the sky just to fly to another hole and dive back into the next area...

Also, revisiting the same areas just to get access to a bit more of it was boring.

Twilight Princess had many unique and interesting dungeons... Skyward Sword was lacking that.

I'm even more scared of the next Zelda... as Nintendo wants change a lot what I personally love about Zelda.

Each Dungeon will be as huge as the Ocarina of Time Overworld, but there will be less and you need a lot longer to play through them.

They also want to remove the linearity, so that you can visit the areas in an order you like.

I personally loved how the Zelda Overworld grew with the items you got.

When exploring it, you immediately found areas you couldn't access but knew you will when you get a certain item, so you remembered those areas to come back later.

I also loved how you could play through a dungeon in 1 - 3 hours. Perfect for a "quick" gaming session.

Sometimes I only have time to play once in two weeks... with those small dungeons, that's no prob, you finish it and that's it.

If the dungeon is huge, you have to remember what you did already and where you've been... no easy task after not having played for two weeks...
only thing thats gets worse with every zelda imo is how much they hold your hand, tell you exactly what you have to do, and where you have to do it. even without using the sheikah stone, it still felt like it was telling you too much, and it gets worse and worse every new zelda game thats released
only thing thats gets worse with every zelda imo is how much they hold your hand, tell you exactly what you have to do, and where you have to do it.
The exact opposite was actually one of the flaws I had with Skyward Sword. I'd put it down and not come back for a few weeks, maybe a couple months, and have no idea what I was supposed to be doing. Fi would give some basically useless information and the townsfolk were equally clueless, so I'd just continue wandering around until I hit something that looked familiar and remember what I was up to. Seriously, as much as people like complaining about Navi, at least the information she gave had purpose. "Master, it looks like your hearts are low. You should replenish them", YA THINK!? "Master, he appears to have the ability to charge his sword with lightning so you'll want to time your strikes carefully. I know you were hoping to hear how you could use that to your advantage but I don't give tips, just point out the obvious". "There is an 80% chance that their is a special item in this room", really, this room? The one with the giant "special item" chest behind that locked gate? And there's an 80% chance you say? I wonder where it could be.Navi may have reminded you you needed to go to Death Mountain 20 times on your way to Death Mountain but at least she knew what she was talking about.
Honestly, I prefer the "hand holding", as sometimes the clues are info that is given is just way of base and causes hours of useless wondering. 20 years ago, I may have preferred no help(to get more use out of my games), but now, I just don't have the time to search and wonder for every little item. This game had a system in place, that would allow me to find 100% of the games items if I so desired to look. I thought that compass system was very cool, and should be added to future releases.There is NO WAY anyone would ever find 100% of Ocarina of Time without a faq/guide, unless they look and wonder for hundreds of hours(and they still might not find it all).

In regards to the overall game.........I found it to be very good actually. Sadly, the motion controls brought my overall rating down. Even though I found they enhanced the experience in certain areas, they brought it down in others. I do have to say that Fi was a waste of time, and should have had the option to remove completely. There was an option to ask her for help, so why do I need to hear from her every few minutes? Nag, nag, nag, I thought I was married :P   I don't know how anyone at Nintendo doesn't find that constant talking to be annoying.

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its not the pushing you in the right direction of hand holding im referring to, but rather the times where you walk into a room, and Fi would just blatantly point out "HEY look over there, maybe you should shoot an arrow into that" and zooms into the object the instant you walk into a room. just drastically ruins every single puzzle the game might have. i only remember one thing from the game that i couldnt figure out right away, and it was the first zone where youre rolling on a rock in a lava pit and had no idea where the roll the rock a bit into it. and while the motion controls were done really well imho, Ghirahim pissed me off to no end and made the hair on my back rise because of how slow and precise you had to move the remote to get it exactly what you wanted done. Koloktos, Tentalus, and Levias were one of the more epic zelda game bosses imho, first two for the battle, 3rd one for the scenery.

deleting your save file after you beat the game on normal mode still makes me twitch in the middle of the night though
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A little off topic, but The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages are still among the best from the series.

They where actually just released on the USA 3DS e-Shop this week at 4.99 each, which will go up to 5.99 each pretty soon.
