The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening REMAKE


Nintendo Switch
Oct 8, 2005
I would normally post this in my Nintendo Switch thread, but I honestly think it deserves its own thread/topic, because this old GameBoy classic, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening is probably in a lot plot people's Top 5 TLoZ games of all time.
I'm definitely getting this game as soon as it's released :)

Anyway, below is a Must Watch!

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Anyone getting this on Day 1? I think I will be :)

I wonder which handheld TLoZ game (only games which originally made their first appearance on a handheld) is Nintendo going to maybe' remaster (I have my fingers crossed for all of them)?

A Link Between Worlds, both Oracle games, The Minish Cap or maybe even...the two lackluster (imho) Nintendo DS TLoZ games?

Have I missed any?
I'd put the DS games above the GBC Oracle games. But it's fair to say I've not completed any handheld Zeldas up till the 3DS one (Link between worlds) so I guess I'm not the expert. I did tire of Oracle of Seasons before I lost it, while I lost the DS games while I was still playing them (I think they've turned up again since though).
Ditnt played the Original, because when i got my Gameboy Classic, i had some Games, and Zelda wasnt that interessting at this time,
And then i abbonded my Gameboy and played a lot of LEGO (i build a lot cool thinks like giant RVs , i dotnt know why, but i found RVs quite Cool at this Time)..
My first Zelda Game was Minish Cap, on my Second Nintendo Handheld, the Gameboy Micro i bought when i was over 20 Yeahrs old,, then the DS Games, the 3DS Games until Breath of the Wild..

Link between Worlds was pretty awesome, so i think the Links Awakening Remake is also on my List of Titles to buy..

Aktually i play the GBC Game on my GBA Backlight Mod, but im not that far, because my Batterie went empty..
(graphics comparison video)

No comparison or not a fair one anyway.
In that video, the old game is laggy and blurred.

Even compared with a good video, I think you need to play it on something like the original screen to see it how it was supposed to be. I commented on that here, though my photo just explains what's happening, and doesn't look too great itself. IMO, the real thing looks stunning.
The video is split up into three sections. The first section runs the two games side by side (or at least clips of the GBC game cut up to look like the traliler sections and the trailer gameplay run on the right). I detected no excessive slowdown in this section. Then, without warning, the second section starts and the music changes, in this section both sides are slowed down signficiantly. Finally there's a section of fullscreen switch gameplay, just the same stuff again but fullscreen.

I don't know at what FPS this ran on the GBC originally. I'm not generally susceptible to the differences between 60fps and 30fps in this kind of game, but I can certainly spot a little 15fps gameplay quite quickly, and I didn't see any of that in the first section.

It looked to me like standard emulator output on the left. The blurriness is some kind of filter I guess, because some people don't like pixelation. To be fair though, I've not seen any filter yet that can give you anything like the little lozenge shaped pixels with small gaps in between on sufficiently high resolution screens, to emulate what you get on the real machines.
My mistake about the speed. I must have skipped to later in the video, and then didn't notice that the game on the right was slowed down too! New game looks smoother than old game in slow-mo I guess!
Sorry about coming to the discussion so late, but I haven't been through in a minute. LOL

Link's Awakening is probably my favorite Zelda title, so it was nice to see this get confirmed after seeing many rumors the week before the actual direct. It was for sure the highlight of the show for me, but nothing I'm going to rush out and buy, especially not for $60. I'm still waiting on a smaller cheaper NS, which I'm hoping will be announced by years end, for a holiday or spring time release. If this title makes it out for Christmas, I'm sure my son will get it, so I can play it on his NS, and then I may not even need to get it once I ever buy a system for myself.

Yeah, it looks great, and it really did need some updated love, as it's for sure one of the best games in the series, which many probably never played due to it's GB roots. I would love to see the "Oracle" games get an upgrade like this as well, as those games where awesome as well. It would also be cool if they could add in the third game that was removed, due to not being able to link all three games, but no telling how far that title ever got, or how practical that would be. But Star Fox 2 got a rather late release, so anything is possible I guess.

But it's also been remastered. I've not seen Nintendo actively marketing games with the name 'remake' on them even if games like the MGS remake get that name in modern parlance. It's a remake, and the art work has also been remastered, so as long as you aren't trying to call it what the big N calls it, it's whatever you liked on the day.
I an not with this 3D remake...for me it look awfully.
Zelda was with Seiken Densetsu 1 ever my Favourite Gameboy Classic Game and
i loved the Remake made with the RPG Maker...but this Version from Nintendo?..for me are the Graphics realy not nice.

Here is the Video with the Nice Graphics from RPG Maker: