The Good, The Bad And The Ugly!


Jul 11, 2008
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
posted by EvilDragon
Well, I got quite a few news for you... yeah, I know: They're late and you know a lot of them through the boards already. Sorry for not posting here, it was a really busy time lately.

Now onto the news:

The Good:
Because of the bank issue (see below), we have decided to give the Pandora some more RAM. It will now have 256MB! And 512MB NAND, which is quite nice, eh? And nope, that won't delay the production.
Another very good thing is that basically all drivers are working already on the new MK2 boards! We also have a GIT setup for the kernel - so as soon as we release the Pandora, you can easily grab the latest kernel source. With drivers and MK2 boards working already, it's time to report the base OS (Angström Linux) and tweak it.

The Bad:
Well, one thing we're not very happy about is the LCD delivery. We're most probably having problems getting all the LCDs in time, so not all Pandoras can be delivered right away... we're trying all we can to get it to you, but basically, it can even take until 2009 until we get all LCDs. Nobody knows yet - not even the manufacturer. It reminds me of the European launch of the PSP back in 2005... planned for March, it had to be delayed for a few months because LCDs were not finished in time. Funny, eh?
Another bad news is some Credit Card issue with the UK Store: Credit Cards have to be refunded and transferred anew somehow. If you are affected, you'll get your money back and more information about this soon. To compensate you for all you troubles (first PayPal, now CreditCards), we decided to give you more RAM.

The Ugly:
You might think "I wanna have more videos, NOW!". Yep. I'd love to show you more videos - however, the latest kernel with all the drivers support (keyboard, etc.) only works on MK2, and at the moment I only have an MK1-Board. I should get an MK2 board soon, then I can show you more videos. DOSBox is already running, I hope I can show some games as soon as possible!

So basically: The boards are in production, the case is currently being prototyped, drivers are working, Angström is basically working, GIT server has been setup already. All we need to do is wait for those LCDs - and then the fun begins :)

Tidied this up just a tad, for re-posting here (added tabbed spaces and changed the formatting a bit, wish I knew a bit more about these forums so I could tidy it up a bit further).

I think it's phenomenal that they posted an update on the blog to help with the confusion. I do wish it had happened a bit sooner, but thanks to our great moderators around here I've found it very easy to follow along.
Korlithiel said:
so not all Pandoras can be delivered right away...
so does this mean some will be shipped and others as they get the screens in
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MoTeL6MaN said:
Korlithiel said:
so not all Pandoras can be delivered right away...
so does this mean some will be shipped and others as they get the screens in

That's been the plan all along - to build and ship them when the parts arive.

But I'd pay $50 more to put a rush on my order, I must have it before Christmas
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fischju2000 said:
But I'd pay $50 more to put a rush on my order, I must have it before Christmas
Depending on when I should expect mine I would definitely consider it. But as it is, I would have to say that things are being done this way as it would only complicate things to do such and thus cause delays.

And to MoTeL6MaN, my apologies for it not being clear enough. I had quoted the whole thing from the blog (because it seems things take their time to get here, and people seem to come here first) and had what I though was a great idea for what to tag to it before I got distracted. Then I just couldn't remember so I fixed it for easier reading and then added my little thoughts.
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Prophet said:
I'm pretty patient. I can wait.
Shame about the LCD delay, but that's life.
Sure. I think that doesn't matter too much. Even if we have to Christmas postpone to Three Kings (the 6th January). ;-)
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Credit Card issue with the UK Store: Credit Cards have to be refunded and transferred anew somehow.

but other countries are getting refunded too right? or is N america in the clear?
The UK store is Craig's store, GBAX. Any orders through there that used a credit card might need to be refunded. This includes any orders made from North America.
Good to get some official news from ED; delays were all but inevitable for a first project like this, but they're being handled well. Luckily I have plenty to keep me busy 'til the new year, but I hope they don't get delayed too much longer. Besides, I should be fairly near the top of the queue as I managed to order in the first 25 minutes! :)
neogramps said:
Besides, I should be fairly near the top of the queue as I managed to order in the first 25 minutes! :)
You can get a fairly decent guesstimate using this thread from the other forum.
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Lets hope craigix researched his new bank thoroughly before switching. If everyone has to go through another re-order it could be the really really ugly.
I think he had been researching and the refunding is a consequence of him having to switch.

Regardless, I thought this topic had died. Certainly felt like it was going to so very quickly.
Eh, at this point, I'm so fucking jaded by all the delays so far it's nothing anymore. Besides, I half expected this to happen anyways, so at least I was psychologically prepped. :lol:
I'm pleased in a way it's delayed more nand and ram :)

As long as I get my one this year I'm not fussed. I'm from Australia paid through GBAX with debit card, still no refund, guess my orders not affected.
I really hope to get mine before xmas eve... Does someone remids about how many days were needed for standard shipping?