christo930 said:
My guess is that the dollar will keep tanking on the international market, partly because of the fact that oil is only sold in dollars and oil keeps going up and will probably march on up until at least the end of the year, after that it will probably skyrocket.
Actually the high oil price is one of the few things still keeping the Dollar up, as you have to buy dollars to buy oil.
Check your 101 of economics
I agree with you on that point. Oil is what keeps the dollar afloat. But it also effects the value of a dollar when the price of oil goes up, the value seems to go down. Iran wants to put oil on the market in Euros and that probably has a lot more to do with bush wanting to start a war with iraq than anything else. Someone mentioned that part of the increase in the price of oil is the falling faith and value of the dollar, but that is only partially true. There is no spare capacity and China's imports of oil has been growing by 25%. A lot of industry insiders, geologists and petro specialists are saying that we have peaked and the cost is going to go up forever. Maybe with some short term ups and downs, but the general trend is up. Hopefully, it will bring some manufacturing jobs back to the US, when it becomes too expensive to ship stuff all over the world.
proflogic said:
The dollar will keep tanking because the Federal Reserve is choosing to address the credit crisis and recession with lowered interest rates. In addition to the obvious inflationary problems this causes, it causes foreigners to demand US dollars less for investments (because returns are lowered). The US is essentially entering a period of stagflation, caused in part by much higher energy prices and dumbass consumers and lenders that gamble on credit that obviously won't go their way. I don't think the Fed is responding properly to this, but perhaps another year of hurt will knock some sense into them.
It provides short term relief, but makes the problem worse because even more money is created and creates more inflation. What we need is a money backed by something besides tomorrows prosperity. It would be great if banks were lending out real money, but the fractional reserve system lets banks create money out of thin air. They don't even print it, they just get created in a computer. Our whole economy is based on growth and is unsustainable. This is what you get when a nation puts the ability to control the nations money and monetary policy into the hands of a semi-private organization that is answerable to NOBODY, not Congress, not the president, not the states, NOBODY.
Hopefully, the cost of the Pandora won't be too high when it comes out.