grasshoppir said:
Busybox is faster than X11/XFCE. I mean seriously, just compare:
Booting to X11: 15 seconds
Booting to Busybox: 1 second
Displaying a message in X11: "notify-send 'Greeting' 'Hello World!' -i favorites -t 30000 -u critical" - 16 milliseconds
Displaying a message in Busybox: "echo Hello World!" - 10 nanoseconds
Clearly, we should all use Busybox.
What, you say? Busybox only supports a handful of commands*, can only be used for kernel debugging, and doesn't support any devices, internet access, or graphical UI? Well, who cares! It's faster!
*Supported commands:
[, [[, adjtimex, arping, ash, awk, basename, brctl, bunzip2, bzcat, bzip2, cal, cat, chgrp, chmod,
chown, chroot, chvt, clear, cmp, cp, cpio, cut, date, dc, dd, deallocvt, df, dirname, dmesg,
dos2unix, du, dumpkmap, echo, egrep, env, expr, false, fgrep, find, fold, free, ftpget, ftpput,
getopt, grep, gunzip, gzip, head, hexdump, hostid, hostname, httpd, id, ifconfig, ip, ipcalc,
kill, killall, klogd, last, length, ln, loadfont, loadkmap, logger, logname, logread, losetup,
ls, lzmacat, md5sum, mdev, mkdir, mkfifo, mknod, mktemp, more, mount, mt, mv, nameif, nc, netstat,
nslookup, od, openvt, patch, pidof, ping, ping6, printf, ps, pwd, rdate, readlink, realpath,
renice, reset, rm, rmdir, route, rpm, rpm2cpio, run-parts, sed, setkeycodes, sh, sha1sum, sleep,
sort, start-stop-daemon, strings, stty, swapoff, swapon, sync, sysctl, syslogd, tac, tail, tar,
tee, telnet, test, tftp, time, top, touch, tr, traceroute, true, tty, udhcpc, umount, uname,
uncompress, uniq, unix2dos, unlzma, unzip, uptime, usleep, uudecode, uuencode, vi, watch, watchdog,
wc, wget, which, who, whoami, xargs, yes, zcat