The confessional thread.

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I like Windows (7).
So do many people.  It is what they had before and since that people usually don't like, if they care at all.  I may not like Windows, but I respect your choice.  Plus, that is the one I suggest to people who want Windows.
I'm sorry to hear that, but thanks for sharing.

So, you were held back by this one person, it seems?
Mental abuse... Just straight up mental abuse till the point where I just broke... I don't think I was ever same. It was a text book abusive relationship.
I'm sorry to hear that, but thanks for sharing.

So, you were held back by this one person, it seems?
Mental abuse... Just straight up mental abuse till the point where I just broke... I don't think I was ever same. It was a text book abusive relationship.
You almost inspire me to make a "Crazy Ex" thread so people share some of their stories. I've some pretty disturbing ones myself.
Mental abuse... Just straight up mental abuse till the point where I just broke... I don't think I was ever same. It was a text book abusive relationship.
You almost inspire me to make a "Crazy Ex" thread so people share some of their stories. I've some pretty disturbing ones myself.
Haven't we all?
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I often temporarely wish that those I love would die so that I could stop exhausting myself by worrying about that.
I often temporarely wish that those I love would die so that I could stop exhausting myself by worrying about that.
I've never wished that.. but with my abusive EX I had an idea to one day get her attention and slit my neck with a sharp knife making sure to hit the pressurized arteries.. .Get some blood on her and the walls and just fuck her up for life. Yes I would have died but at that point just to make a point and SPITE her for all of the pain and suffering she caused me.. would have been perfect. You know you truly hate somebody when you think death is too good for them, too quick, to easy...

 I know that sounds absolutely psychotic, but if the genders were reversed there would have been INSTANT help in this from higher ups. Female abuse is taken highly...male abuse in relationships is viewed as hilarious in our society and something to point a finger at and laugh at. There's been studies done with actors acting out actions of domestic abuse in public. When it was the male vs female everybody rode in and challenged the guy. When they swapped the roles, people laughed took photos even as the girl was hitting him and actually threw him over a trash can. Nobody lifted a finger to help. 

I was cast in the shadows and left to rot. I was left with abuse from both home, and my supposed girlfriend. The type that if you got her a gift she would say how she didn't like it. It was a very poisonous relationship.. My only happy thing about it was getting the next poor fucker who dated her to drop her ass after talking to him for 6 fucking minutes. He made a comment saying how it all changed and things were different.I looked him straight in the eyes and told him right there. Dump her move on. You'll experience nothing but pain. She'll do this, this and this, and she's already began to ignore you already...I heard next week from a friend of her she got dumped and she couldn't figure out why. When I saw the realization linger over his face I knew the shit was already starting to happen to him. I'm convinced she was a sociopath because of how little emotion she showed to others, and her general actions towards people were very... textbook.

My next girlfriend after that was a Nymphomanic who only wanted to fuck me. She had family that was so strained and stressed and there was much awkwardness between the step father and the mother. The step father could never quite look me in the eyes and when he shook my hand there was shame. Even her aggressive tendencies towards sexuality were off, and textbook of sexual abuse. However she had a wonderous way of talking about other guys in front of me and how she didn't want to do anything because she was afraid of us breaking up. One of the final straws was when she told me she didn't find me attractive over facebook. I remember just shutting down my computer. I didn't see her trying to recover it saying she was dating me for me and my emotions yet she didn't like anything emotional about the relationship side of the coin, purely physical....

My friends were taking bets after she broke up with me that my next girlfriend would be somebody with Bipolar and split personality disorder...  Third one is Alexithymia and an onset of split personality disorder that came from abuse in school.  I was the only one willing to help her and I learned early on that she was worth the fight...I've been through some scary shit with her, there's nothing worse then seeing the person you love struggle with an enemy inside of their own head.  Its been about 2 years since I was able to fully help her recover and regain herself.  IT was scary at times. She'd black out completely falling over, or the "Other side" would be out and be aggressive towards me and snarl at me ( I learned how to kick it back and let her regain control)... Most people would have ran, but this crap emerged after we started dating and I wasn't going to let her go through what i went through. So I helped her fight it.  I helped her regain her emotions I helped her kill what was in her head. Shes still not 100% normal, then again I don't think I am either. I'm convinced I have PTSD from the shit that happened in my life in middle school. I'm just glad she never had to go the darkness that my mind went too.  We've been together for close to 3 years and in october we'll be engaged for a year. She's loyal and has always been my by side.. and after the shit we've been through, The mental battles, Court, school issues at home...Every time that something tried to tear us apart it only brought us closer together.
I know that sounds absolutely psychotic, but if the genders were reversed there would have been INSTANT help in this from higher ups. Female abuse is taken highly...male abuse in relationships is viewed as hilarious in our society and something to point a finger at and laugh at. There's been studies done with actors acting out actions of domestic abuse in public. When it was the male vs female everybody rode in and challenged the guy. When they swapped the roles, people laughed took photos even as the girl was hitting him and actually threw him over a trash can. Nobody lifted a finger to help.

Something is seriously messed up.
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Sometimes i think it would be nice to have someone special to share things with, then I remember what all my past relationships were like, and I hear what it's like for other people.

And so I am likely to stay single because:

I am not prepared to put up with *anything*.
Iv'e watched all five seasons of the vampire diaries and I'm not a teenage girl.
Try "Teen Wolf", waaay better show and no Vampires at all. ;) Well I watched every episode of "Sailor Moon" back then and I'm not ashamed of. I also wachted some old "Beverly Hills 90210" which I am relly ashamed of now. :D

My next girlfriend after that was a Nymphomanic who only wanted to fuck me.
I hope one day I also can say this sentence. O.o"
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Are you all just really unlucky, or are a lot of women like this?  I haven't ever been in a relationship, but that is mostly because I'm not interested in anyone?  Are these kinds of people everywhere or something?

-Glyph Reader
Im long time single, have a verry wide spreadet Musik Taste, from German Volk Rock like Subway to Sally, to Punk, (per exemple "Die Ärzte" to German Metall "Rammstein" and German Gore Metall "Eisregen", also J-Rock, (Mucc, Dir en Grey, Gackt, Malice Micer) also Heavy Metal like Manowar, Blind Guardian, System of a Down, Korn, etc..

Also german Shanty, like Santiano ..

And the Old Eminem Rekords until Encore..

I have some weiyrd Hobbys, (Unimog, Scouts, Beekeping, Running, Guitarr.., and Retro HANDHELD Gaming..)..

I have now a longtime read projekt( Sillmarilion-Hobbit-Lordoftherings, Harry Potter, and Terry Pratschett)..

I also like Manga ..

And i think the Most Played Game on Pandora is Super Mario Land ..

I dislike Television, and prefer to play games or read insteed..

No friends.. may i die alone, it dosnt botter me anymore..

He s a real nowhereman, sitting in his nowhereland, making all his nowhereplans for nobody

All the lonely peaple, where do they all come frome?? All the Lonely Peaple, where do they all belong??
...are a lot of women like this?
I've been married 23 years, so from my experience, no they're not. Sure, there have been moments that we've both regretted, but in the end we've always worked things out. Communication is key in any relationship.
How do you talk yourself out of a girl telling you she wants to fuck you with a gun to your head?
No friends.. may i die alone, it dosnt botter me anymore..
You know.. there's something about this i always wondered about:

If someone dies alone, who's going to take care of that said man's corpse? I mean, it could be left to rot and be found later, but that's not the most ideal way to treat a body after years of good service..

I used to like the "Neue Deutch Harte" and American nu-metal stuff too btw (although that was years ago).
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Iv'e watched all five seasons of the vampire diaries and I'm not a teenage girl.
Try "Teen Wolf", waaay better show and no Vampires at all. ;)
Well I watched every episode of "Sailor Moon" back then and I'm not ashamed of. I also wachted some old "Beverly Hills 90210" which I am relly ashamed of now. :D

My next girlfriend after that was a Nymphomanic who only wanted to fuck me.
I hope one day I also can say this sentence. O.o"
Beverly hills 90210 :angry: . Sadly I watched some of it when I was a kid but I still knew it was shit. :)
...are a lot of women like this?
I've been married 23 years, so from my experience, no they're not. Sure, there have been moments that we've both regretted, but in the end we've always worked things out. Communication is key in any relationship.
How do you talk yourself out of a girl telling you she wants to fuck you with a gun to your head?
Is that a gun to my head, or are you coming on strong with the implied compliments ^^
I learned early on dating wasn't worth it. I took a risk because I needed somebody.. the first one was a crush, the second one was I saw the signs and I was sick of being lonely. The third one I thought she was like the second one but after learning a few tidbits of information I let her into my life (She liked me and asked ME out.) 

I saw how people weren't able to talk to one another in a relationship. I saw how our society treats dating a disposable commodity just like EVERYTHING ELSE. We treat our social interactions exactly like our phones, cars, and other tat.. Cheap, easy and if it breaks get rid of it and get a new one. I personally DETEST this mindset. Even the way we're trained to date is to have little to no attachments and not take it seriously. We expect the other person to fit our mould of what we want in many regards, and when that mould isn't fit issues occur. We can't communicate and when the shit hits the fan we just scrap it and move on. The Divorce rate in the us is over 55% the last time I checked where they estimate the average person in my generation by the time they're 33 will have 3 divorces under their belt.

*warning long personal life story/ rant going to occur in the spoiler!*​

Me... I didn't want this. I got sick of the crap so first things first after 3 weeks of dating her I just laid my cards on the table and revealed EVERYTHING. Take it or leave it.. she took it, and it felt like a glass sheet was lifted. we could communicate about anything discuss things.. change things without getting into fights. We've never had a proper argument or break up because we've discussed so many things. We knew we were gonna get married in the first year alone.. It just felt right and we saw how things were going. So being engaged felt no different for us. We literally have an antiquated mindset when it comes to our relationship. The first thing a person asked us when we started dating was this

"So when are you two going to break up?"​
First thing said to us... Which pissed me off to no fuckin' end mind yeah. that person's relationship lasted 2 more weeks before that thing crash and burned. We've outlasted everybody esle who questioned our relationship. I was a senior and she was a sophmore (I was 18 she was 15 I didn't know that at the time I thought she was older. Now we're 21 and 18 ) People inquired on how I was going to dump her after graduating I told them point blank 

"I'm going to wait for her."​
And they had that classic cartoon eye cross and smoke coming out of the ears thing going on. I told them I was going to wait for her and support her. People were shocked. When I proposed to my fiancee People asked her mother  "when is the baby due?" 

People couldn't grasp we were getting married because we wanted too. So many people were screaming at us that we were too young, at my work only one person said something that baffled me. It was an old lady who is a hard core christian and decorates the cakes. she asked me "So why didn't you ask earlier? You two are a perfect couple."

I showed people a picture of the ring ahead of time. I didn't buy a diamond ring.  I told her point blank in the relationship I'm getting her an opal ring (because I believed diamonds to me empty, colourless, and cold the opposite of what our relationship is ). I found a 1920's pearl ring in the exact design I planned on having made for her, with opals used as a complimentary stones. I spent an entire paycheck on it (278$) But it was worth it. I hid it in a 1950's kodak dualflex camera I have and I took her down to spot we have by the river just one day on a whim. No planing, just had a shitty day, one of the worst ones. So I stuck the ring and its heart shaped box it came in, into the camera. Gave her the camera told her I modified it to work now, bla bla something technical, So I stood in font of her and had her "Take a picture"  it didn't make a sound so I told her "Huh it didn't work. Check the film."  She opened up the back and saw the box and looked up at me I was already on my knee. She handed me the box and before I could finish the question she answered yes.  There was even a sun set going on behind me over the river... Not bad for a proposal  I did because I had the ring and I wanted to just do it to brighten my day and my life. Turns out she loves pearls.. And the ring is so old its a natural pearl. Even the opals were real opals, 6 quality opals with a beautiful flash and colour change. (Went to Australia and i learned quite a bit about opals.) The ring even fit her perfectly. It was a size 6 yet one of the rings she has is a size 7... so I thought i'd had to change it. Nope it fit perfectly. Everything just fell into place.

Even then many people couldn't be happy for us. The people who were most upset were people whose relationships were in the spot light, and now we took it from them. (Like we want the damn spot light) People weren't happy with our LOGIC to get married. And stated we need to have a better REASON to get married because we're far too young to make important decisions like this. Even my family asked me what would I do WHEN she leaves me in college.

I learned form every old book I have, every old couple i've seen a story about that after awhile you have to make the CHOICE to love somebody.  You have to fight for them, me and my fiancee work so well because we've fought tooth and nail to get to where we're at. Our love isn't a petty feeling that is just an excuse for sex. we're each others firsts and we purposely chose it this way. We were active for a year before we could even get birth control but we were able to control our selves and have no damn kids, unlike every other highschool couple in our damn school 47 knocked up girls in her grade level alone. there was 9 in school when I graduated and 3 more happened in the summer. We were careful level headed. we've talked about stuff discussed stuff made plans and we've gone through with said plans. 

So yes I do look down upon the way the world is with a bit of shame. I've seen so many people who've rolled their eyes at us tried to give us relationship advice, and latter their's  crash and burn while we just are skipping through the antique fairs dressed up in steampunk attire enjoying life, while the others are dealing with cheating, and other social bullshit.

Every day, week, month, and year doesn't feel like it's adding up, or weighing us down. Its hardly feels like 3 years have passed but they have. I'm lucky to have the love of my life in my life and arms. i feel sad that most people will never know this type of love or rather will not be able to allow themselves to experience this love.  We don't care about money or social standing... we could live in a hole in a nuclear wasteland and be happy that we have each other. She isn't my lover, or my partner she is my Mate... the english word for love doesn't describe how we feel.

I'm concluding my rant on love, society and my life here....
I wish, I'd have found such a romantic girl, but my relationships never went on for longer than 16months, often out of very silly "reasons" (identity crisis, some minor disagreement, wanting to try something new, etc...) that are clearly falling into your category "treated as a disposable commodity". As someone that isn't afraid of commitments at all, I do very much feel like a stranger in this society indeed and gave up my wish for a family by now after all those fails.

BTW: There was no way to get some kind of birth control with 15? That's messed up. I always wonder about the teenage pregnancies around here since it's no big deal for even 12 year olds to get condoms or pills but no wonder why this is happening even more often elsewhere. I'll take a wild guess and say that it's most likely a problem of American prudence in your case?
I'm sorry to hear that, but thanks for sharing.

So, you were held back by this one person, it seems?
Mental abuse... Just straight up mental abuse till the point where I just broke... I don't think I was ever same. It was a text book abusive relationship.
I've had heaps of crazy "to the point of psychotic" gfs...but tbh, I made them that way.
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